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Kin's Settlement "Imbiren"

The Kin's Settlement "Imbiren" was founded in 2002 by a group of initiative citizens from the city of Omsk (Siberia, Russia). The settlement is located in the Omsk region, 140 km from the city, next to the Irtysh River. On two sides of the settlement there are two lakes. From the northwest side there are forest plantations (pine and birch).

The groundwater level is high enough to create ponds. The soils are mostly clayey and sandy only near the forest.

kin's settlements. imbiren

About 90 ha were allocated for the settlement. Of these, 56 plots of 1 ha are allocated for Kin's Domains. At 18 of them people live all year round, at 20 - hosts come more or less often and there are buildings, 18 sites are virtually free.

To date, the settlement has 27 hectares in possession and 17 families live permanently. The settlement is replenished with young couples, children are born here. Fruit gardens are already bearing fruits and green fences are growing.

kin's settlements. imbiren

Most of the plots (with rare exceptions) have the shape of a hexagon with sides of 62.5 m. There is a common area on which there is a pond and a house of creativity, which we plan to equip for school in the future.

Recently, a nursery began to be established in the settlement.

kin's settlements. imbiren

The settlement has an active creative team. Its members stage dances, learn songs, play musical instruments, perform on the stages of neighboring villages and the regional center.

We organize holidays and gatherings for singles to find their soulmates.

kin's settlements. imbiren

Our Contacts:

Sergey Stepanov 8-908-790-0060
Julia Stepanova ju.step@ro.ru


More Pictures:

kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren
kin's settlements. imbiren

Kin's Domains | Ringing Cedars Movement | Dolmens of Russia | The Book of Kin

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