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M.F. Soloshchenko, E. N. Tulubaeva, 2009
A. V. Dyadigurov, Yuriy Vasilevich Ten, P. L. Meshalkina, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

D. Fedorov
Ph. D., Novosibirsk Russia, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

V. Rezin Ph. D., Institute of Climatic and Ecological Systems Monitoring, Novosibirsk, Russia

M. M. Ignatenko, 1981

Associate Professor T. G. Petrova, Instructor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry T. V. Zvereva.

Taiga Magasine, 2006.

- Z. M. L., NSCA-CPT

- by Regina Jensen.

- Regina Jensen.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

Interview for the newspaper Vecherki.

Siberian Cedar Essential Oils

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V.P. Zhuravlev

R. Bobrov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

General information on nutritional fact of Siberian cedar nuts

Links Across Space and Time.

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Cedar the Healer
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Feed back:
On the Siberian cedar products under trade mark "The Ringing Cedars of Russia"

Siberian Cedar Nut Oil is a cure for 100 diseases.

Siberian Cedar Nut Oil is a cure for 100 diseases.

The healing properties of the Siberian cedar were known to the indigenous peoples many centuries ago. Since ancient times, cedar nut oil has been used to heal wounds, strengthen immunity, and preserve beauty. Siberian cedar nut oil is called «a cure for 100 diseases.»

There is also a scientific basis for the popularity of cedar. The healing properties of cedar are confirmed by the fact that it is traditionally used as a medicinal and prophylactic agent for many diseases. Scientific studies of the cedar nut oil have shown that it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on all spheres of human life, on his organs and psychoemotional state.

Cedar nut oil is used for prevention of serious diseases

Cedar nut oil contains the nutrients needed for most organs.

Cedar nut oil is good for the cardiovascular system and prevents diseases such as ischemia, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and many others. Oleic acid normalizes cholesterol levels. Vitamins E and A prevent damage to small blood vessels and the heart. Omega-3 makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, strengthens the heart, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Cedar nut oil is rich in substances necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Zinc has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, and folic acid has the ability to heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cedar nut oil contains nutrients important for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. It prevents the development of hormonal diseases due to its sufficient content of iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and vitamin A.

Cedar nut oil strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections. Cedar nut oil has antiviral, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects. That’s why it supports organisms during seasonal infectious diseases.

Cedar nut oil is the key to beauty

Cedar nut oil is good for the skin, hair, and nails. This natural remedy:

- Softens the skin and moisturizes it;

- Is a source of calcium, thereby strengthening nails and hair;

- Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;

- Helps in the fight against oxidative stress, the main cause of early aging;

- Contains substances involved in collagen synthesis;

- Restores natural skin protection and acid-base balance;

- Promotes the elimination of toxins.

Cedar nut oil helps fight stress

In addition to the positive effect on all organs and systems of the body, pine nut oil is also useful for the psychoemotional state.

Amino acids contained in cedar nut oil are a source of energy. By participating in energy metabolism, amino acids help to resist both physical and psychological stress.

Vitamins B1 and B2 help to cope with stressful situations. These vitamins play an important role in the fight against mental illness, including depression.

Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acid supports emotional stability and helps fight stress.

Scientific studies of the cedar nut oil have shown that it contains substances that have a beneficial effect on all spheres of human life, on his organs and psychoemotional state.

Zinc and magnesium are nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Without exaggeration, Siberian cedar nut oil can be called a cure for 100 diseases. This natural remedy supports the body in an unfavorable environment and stress. Cedar nut oil prolongs youth and strengthens the body's natural defenses.

Published by
Ringing Cedars of Russia
1700 Main St
Little Rock, AR 72206

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For Educational purposes only.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Used by permission.
© Copyright RingingCedarsofrussia.org

RingingCedarsofrussia.com assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

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