JULY 2010

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THE EARTH - Online Monthly Newspaper of the
"Ringing Cedars" movement.

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English | Russian





This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.

1. Children's Upbringing and Education:

2. Meaning of Food in Our Lives

3. Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

4. Ecological Farming, Permaculture

5. Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies

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Day of Earth Celebration Hosting Project



Anasta, Vladimir Megre's tenth book in the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series, has been released in Russian.


People will find it difficult to believe in something like this. And if someone does not believe, so what? What will be left to the nonbeliever from the lack of belief in his own power? His birth? Yes! But for what purpose? If afterward there is only a meaningless life, then death. And then again the question arises: born for what purpose? A multitude of teachings have existed for millions of years. All about the single idea that humanity is waiting for something from someone. And it waited, having locked up its thought and reason. And it did not think about why or for what purpose the Universe was illuminating the stars above.

The book launch will take place on 27 March 2010 at the Ringing Cedars International Festival (Moscow, Soccer Hall, Track and Soccer Complex of the Army Central Sports Club).

Information on the release of the book in the English Language will be published in THE EARTH Monthly Newspaper as soon as it becomes available.

Please note: information in regards to the release of the translation of the final book in the English Language is not available by phone. Please keep checking the upcoming issues of THE EARTH Monthly Newspaper for further updates.

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Online Newspaper


Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Ecovillage Mayskoe

We are a group of friendly neighbors who are building the settlement of Mayskoe, which is located in Melenki District of Vladimir Oblast.

For the time being, Mayskoe is simply a large meadow 180 ha in size, surrounded by the forests of the Murom District, and, at present, a group of 30 persons (families), who have decided to become the first residents of the settlement.

At one time there was a farmstead in this spot. But in due time, as everywhere in the Soviet Union, villages began to amalgamate at the expense of small villages and farmsteads. The farmstead and small state farm that were in this meadow lost their electrical power. And in the 1960s, the last residents dispersed among the nearest promising collective farms and state farms.

But the meadow still loved people and continued to wait for them. It would attract them with its abundance of berries and mushrooms. For a long time it still had lush pastures and hayfields. But with time even they ceased to interest people. Cows and goats are no longer kept in the closest villages.... Now they are a rarity in the yards.... The meadow began to become seriously overgrown....

But something happened that seemingly made the meadow wake up and be transformed! Each time we show up there, it is as if it revives, perks up, tries to show us new places yet unseen by us.... Just recently we discovered an unusually beautiful lake next to the settlement!

It is as if the meadow senses that documents are everywhere being prepared in order for this land again to become inhabited by people.

The meadow is located in the possession of the district administration. We are acquiring it as property as a peasant farm. The process of registering the land in the appropriate levels of government has started and is now ongoing.... Any day now the agreement of purchase and sale will be drawn up.

At the same time we are developing the architectural plan for the settlement, which plan will be approved at a general meeting. Following this, parcels 1.4 ha in size, roads, areas for common fields, workshops, for hayfields and pastures will be actually assigned, and the future residents will be able to orient themselves as to the location and quantity of parcels for their domains in the settlement as a whole.


Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Mikhaylovskoe Ecovillage

We invite all interested persons to Mikhaylovskoe ecovillage that is being created.

A settlement named Mikhaylovskoe is being created near the village of Mikhaylovka, Arkhangelsky District, Republic of Bashkortostan, Privolzhsky Federal District. Our settlement sent out its first roots in the spring of 2008. There is electricity, but no gas.

At the present time, there are 26 ha of vacant agricultural purpose land. When we acquire it, we will be able to expand, there is an enormous field beyond the village.

The administration is supporting us.

The area is mountainous. The village is located on a south-east slope. The soil is varied, in places it is loam, in other places it is black earth. Our settlement is sprouting on the basis of the existing village of Mikhaylovka. The village is surrounded by small mountain rivers - the Uzhayaz from the north-west, and the Kaymashka from the east; the Kaymashka is fed by the Teply Klyuch spring. The mountain river Lemeza flows three kilometres from the village. Higher upstream there are no cities or industrial sites. There are springs bubbling up from the direction of the Kaymashka (apparently a network of springs).
There were many villages in the district, now these areas are overgrown with apple trees, blackthorn, and many raspberry plants.

We shall be happy to see everyone who comes to our friendly group with good intentions.

Contact information:
horgi_irbis@mail.ru, telephone: 89050066734 Artur;
denisandra@mail.ru, telephone: 89174061407 Aleksandra;

Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Photos from the "Meet of Seeking Hearts"


04/06/2010 - 14/06/2010

Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!

Fifth Issue is out!

Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.

At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.

We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.

We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.

Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.

* * * * *

SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.

Click here to go to our online store



Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Art by Dmitry Steshenko

From the archive of Anastasia.ru

Abundance for All

Russians take heed,
Your time is at hand...
Love your children, be good parents,
Make your home your castle of beauty,
play music which inspires you to be joyful,
for when more than 3 people do this in 1 home,
the energy is transformed to that which you wish,
make it good wishes, loyal and true,
Be Your Own Angel.


From ringingcedarsforum.com


Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.

You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:

Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.

Visit the Forum.

Forum Talk

Posted by Chri5 in a topic Gardening like anastasia. Join the discussion of this topic here:

It is winter here in NSW Australia, 5 to 7 degrees below first thing this morning ~ white frost.
I have been rearranging our gardens making pathways of sand and rocks which I collect with wheelbarrow each day.
Enjoying making garden shapes.
A 4 day horse event a few weeks ago, so also have been collecting wheelbarrow loads from there to lay on news paper for no dig gardens.
And fallen deciduous leaves from town park for mulch ~ been digging some of our garden shapes to try out this method http://kinscommunity.ning.com/video/a-fukuoka-inspired
There are 4 of us here, each with a garden space.
We are sharing a 1/4 acre house block.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.


This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.

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Unassisted Home Birth Story - Fidele

Natural Childbirth Basics

Your body is built for natural childbirth. Amazing, isn't it? You've been designed to give birth to your baby - without lots of medical intervention.

Women don't choose drug-free birth to win medals. Giving birth naturally is a healthy choice for you and your baby - and it's empowering.

Why Choose Natural Childbirth?

Natural birth is the best birth for you and for your baby. Despite what you might be told, all medication - even the epidural - has an effect on your baby. The medications used during birth cross to your baby and change the way your body responds to labor.

Medical intervention and surgical birth - either by cesarean section or by "assisted delivery" (forceps and vacuum extractors) and episiotomy - interferes with birth. Birth interventions can interrupt those precious first moments with your new child. Even worse, they can cause those moments to be lost forever.

Cesarean section vs. vaginal birth is a huge topic. The bottom line is (though there are times when cesarean birth is a lifesaver) in the vast majority of the cases a cesarean was neither best or even preferable to the mother. The cesarean epidemic is out of control. You were designed to give birth - without surgery.

Your Birth Options

One of the first things you'll decide is where to give birth. You have several options. Some women want to be in the hospital. If you find a good care provider and are able to advocate for your rights it's possible to have a wonderful natural childbirth experience in the hospital - lots of women have done it!

You can also choose a birth center. You may like the thought of the extra backup at a birth center - while enjoying more intimate care and a home-like feel. Birth centers generally have low intervention rates and transfer rates and natural births happen most of the time.

Home birth is an option. Birth at home is intimate, empowering, and beautiful. It's a wonderful experience that gives your baby and excellent start and allows you the most freedom.

Another choice to consider is who should be at your baby's birth. This can end up being a complicated choice. There are many considerations to take into account - but it comes down to what you want. You choose who to have there and even if you want your older kids at the birth.

A doula is a woman who is specially trained to support you during labor - to "mother the mother." Doulas offer amazing (and scientifically proven) support during natural childbirth and it's well worth researching doulas in your area.

There are women who choose unassisted childbirth with only their partner and family. Some want to birth alone. The choice of where to birth and who to have there is yours to make!

Have you thought about waterbirth? Labor is the time to dip in and relax! Water can feel great in labor. It may also help you birth more gently and avoid intervention such as episiotomy.

You may also be asked to about inducing labor - it's good to know the different methods and effects of each one. It's also very helpful to know natural methods for inducing labor!

Learning about your birth options allows you to be an informed consumer. Know your choices and your rights - you're the customer!


Waterbirth is a great choice for natural childbirth. A large part of the human body is water and most people find comfort in water - they love to soak in a warm bath or take a hot shower.

Water is relaxing and soothing. Laboring women are no different - water gives relief from the pain of labor, the weight of pregnancy, and allows babies to be born gently and naturally.

Water Helps Women

Water is beneficial for laboring mothers. Water eases pain (as you have no doubt noticed before!)

When a woman feels pain and fear in labor her instinct is to tighten up. Her body begins to shut labor down so that she can flee whatever is scaring her - it is a "flight" reflex. Soaking in warm water reduces pain and helps women relax during labor.

When you're free to loosen up and embrace labor you're free to do what you needs to in order to birth your baby. During a waterbirth you move as you wish. You can change positions, allowing the water to support you. You can easily squat - a natural position for laboring and giving birth.

If you have a partner in the tub with you you'll have even more support. Your ability to move as you wish will also assist your baby's descent through the birth canal.

Water provides even pressure on your body. It not only supports your weight as you labor it adds support as your body opens to accommodate your baby traveling down the birth canal. It provides equalizing pressure on the perineum as the baby's head crowns and is born.

All the even support from the water allows your blood to flow freely, meaning that you and baby are getting all the oxygen and nutrients you need throughout labor.

Besides reducing pain and giving support for a smooth birth waterbirth empowers you. If you've been able to labor naturally you can connect with your baby right away and be energized and empowered by your birth experience.

Good for Baby

Waterbirth is natural for babies. They are able to move gently from the womb to the water. Water supports the baby as he is born, allowing him to move easily into a place that feels familiar to him.

Your baby has been in water for 9 months. This gentle, warm water is what your child knows. Instead of being jarred immediately into cold air, you can bring your baby's head out of the water and then ease his body out slowly.

As mentioned before your blood flows more freely, allowing more blood to reach the baby. Your baby will benefit from this increased circulation. Your baby's cord will be able to float freely in the water, allowing the last blood from the placenta to flow smoothly to your child. A waterbirth can also have the added benefit of ensuring that the cord is not cut right away.

Babies do not start breathing until they feel air on their faces and umbilical cords. With water birth delayed cord clamping your baby is allowed gentle transition from the umbilical cord to breathing air.

You'll be able to bring your baby right up out of the water and to your breast. Water birthed babies are often peaceful and alert after having been gently born into the water and pulled up to their mother.

Many water birthed babies are very calm after birth and do not cry much or get upset. Their gentle transition to life outside the womb allows them to relax and observe. These peaceful babies may also have an easier time getting breastfeeding started.


A tub is needed for waterbirth. You can rent a tub or you can use any tub that is big enough for you to move around in. Generally you'll want a tub big enough for you to be immersed to your armpits when you sit.

You need a source of clean, warm water. A rented birth tub will have a heater attached that keeps the water warm. If you do not have a tub with a heater attached you may want to have several pots of water staying warm on the stove to replenish warm water as the tub cools.

You'll need a brand new hose that can carry hot water. You also want a small net. The net will allow for easy clean-up of the water after the birth. You'll probably want to have a flashlight and a small thermometer available.

A large tarp or plastic sheet is a good idea for protecting floors from spilled water. Have plenty of clean towels on hand for mopping up spills and for wrapping around yourself when you get out of the tub.


Image Copyrights: http://www.heartofmidwifery.com/

Learning in the Real World

by Wendy Priesnitz

A retired school teacher acquaintance recently acquired her first computer. After plugging it in and connecting the components according to the instructions, she called me to ask if I could recommend a course that she could take to learn how to use her new toy. I said I couldn't recommend a course because I've never taken a computer course in my life. Then how in the world, she wondered, had I become such a proficient computer user? Well, I responded, I just began using it!

I hadn't given much thought to it before, but I realized then that I learn most things by just doing them. And I suppose that made me a good role model for our life learning daughters when they were young... or at least it helped me understand that "just doing it" can be an effective way to learn. And that, of course, is fundamental to my philosophy of living and learning.

It's also fundamental to how all children learn to walk and to talk. They don't take a course. They don’t "goof off" while learning it because they're bored or it's too hard. They are not marked, tested, graded or nagged to practice. They just do it. They are motivated by wanting to do it well, like bigger people.

To someone dependent on being carried or on crawling, walking must seem like a natural, easy and fast way to get around. Their parents, older siblings and other walkers in their lives have a mobility that they must envy, especially given their high level of curiosity. And curiosity is motivating.

Aside from modeling the behavior, we create a safe environment, putting breakables away, toddler-proofing our homes so there are no stairs to fall down, no sharp corners to bang against. And we provide nourishing food so they developed straight bones and strong muscles.

We unconsciously encourage and stimulate them to learn, bouncing them on our knee at first as they try to push their legs straight against our stomachs, then holding them at floor level and pretending they are walking, then holding out our hands just a few inches in front of them, encouraging them to take those first few tentative steps.

Then, when they finally take those first triumphant steps, we celebrate the satisfaction of accomplishment with them. We also reassure them when they have a setback, cuddling them when they fall, patching up a scratched knee, encouraging them to try again. And reassuring them they can and will eventually walk.

But perhaps most important of all, we trust them to learn to walk. Unless they are severely disabled, we don't think twice about whether or not they will learn to walk. People walk, so we know our children will eventually do it too. We take it for granted. We just let them get on with it, as we do the same.

We don't worry that we might need a degree to help them learn this important and difficult skill. We know that we're up to the task and so are they. They do it experientially, from real life, motivated by a real need. And they work hard at it. In fact, they relish the challenge to learn and put a lot of self-discipline to work on whatever they choose to learn.

In the same way, a child will teach herself the language spoken by the adults around her. And that same child can later learn to read it. She will do that as part of her real world experience - speaking and reading for real-life reasons.

Let's take another example, this time looking at how a child just off the breast or bottle learns about a cup. As she uses it, she makes many discoveries: What it is, what is its substance? What are its attributes, what it feels like, tastes like? How is it different from the last cup she used in texture, weight, shape and color? What will a cup hold? How much will a cup hold? Is it better to hold it with one hand or two? Where can cups be put down without spilling (and perhaps more interestingly to a young child, with spilling)? What happens when a cup is thrown across the room (first full, then empty)?

The child learns all this science experientially, not because somebody teaches her or tells her she has to learn it. She picks up the knowledge as part of her everyday life... in just the same way that we adults learn things. She didn't learn it because we got inside her head to examine her thought processes...and whether or not she was "doing it right" or even knew the name we've given to that type of science. But she did challenge that curious notion that children have short attention spans! (In my experience, they only have short attention spans when someone is making them do something they are not interested in.)

But that sort of learning only happens when we believe that it will and that it should, when we allow the learner to be in control and give them enough time to "just do it." We need to give them the space to recognize or formulate a "problem," set about solving it, take it as far as they can go, consult with others about it or observe them doing it, reflect on that and tackle it again. And we must make the real world accessible to them so they can have real-life experiences, instead of the sort where they are "allowed" to "help" within certain constraints (usually relating to cleanliness and efficiency) or where they pretend to do real work with the aid of toy tools. Life learning is about kids doing their own real work, motivated by their own real interests and goals... and being around adults who are also doing their own real work.

Unfortunately, there are few places where children can experience the adult world. Most children - and even many homeschooled ones - don't have nearly enough opportunities to be with adults who are doing their own thing in the real world and not, as John Holt once put it, "just hanging around entertaining or instructing or being nice to children."

The working world of adults is not very accessible to children because we fear they will get hurt, get in the way of or slow down production, or abuse or break the equipment. So we make childhood a rehearsal for personhood, replacing real experiences with pseudo experiences. Many of those pseudo experiences take place in schools, but they can also be part of the home-based learning environment.

Our daughters Heidi and Melanie grew up living and learning in the midst of our busy home-based magazine publishing business. They used all the tools of that business and never abused them. They respected the tools as part of our business and saw how carefully we used them. And, more importantly, those tools were an important part of their everyday lives too, so they had a stake in taking care of them.

But one of my homeschooling friends, who also happened to be a writer, was horrified to discover that our children were able to use my typewriter, then my word processor, then later my computer, as well as various photocopiers, typesetters and other related equipment. She said her kids would wreck hers for sure if allowed anywhere near them. Maybe... or maybe not if given the opportunity and the trust.

There are many opportunities for children and young people to learn in and be of service to the real world. They include volunteering with community organizations, helping in their parents' businesses or at their workplaces, working for pay or as apprentices at neighborhood businesses and running their own businesses. Our daughters often they put all that office equipment to good use in their own money-making enterprises... and they were noticeably more passionate about those businesses than they were about stuffing magazines in envelopes for their parents' business!

Although I don't want to romanticize the past or ignore the abuses against children that took place a few centuries ago, there was a time when children had the opportunity to do real work at their parents' side, as well as on their own accord, and to be involved in the life of their communities. In our more complex modern world, this same type of opportunity and respect for children's abilities is still possible if we all share a sense of responsibility for helping develop the minds that will lead us into the future. In our current economy, no one has all the experiences and information necessary to prepare young people for a rapidly developing future. But we can share our skills and experiences with our children, or take on other people's kids as apprentices in order to pass along our knowledge and skills.

That sort of real world learning experience is often easier to describe than to arrange. A group of parents have come together in a community park in Toronto to build a series of cob structures housing a sink, cooking fireplace, baby-changing station and, ultimately, a composting toilet with a rammed earth foundation. Cob is a traditional style of construction that uses a mixture of sand, straw, clay and water and is people-friendly, low-tech and community-building. Aside from filling a need for those facilities in the park, one of the purposes of the project is to offer people of all ages a chance to learn how to build low impact shelter. And that includes children of various ages. But the municipal bureaucracy has enforced labor code regulations, which required the building of a six-foot-high fence and excluding the participation of children. Georgie Donais, an unschooling mom who coordinates the project, has devised a "workaround" whereby people mixing cob materials on tarps are located outside the fence and only work booted adults are allowed inside the fence. Besides segregating people by functions, this relegates children to the mixing function and prevents them from being involved in some of the more "exciting" aspects like shoveling, hauling materials or filling bags of dirt. Georgie, trying to see the situation through the bureaucracy's eyes, admits, "I imagine it is a truly strange thing to be asked to listen to and support some woman who wants to - with barely any money and very few power tools, but with many bare feet and children involved - create a building out of mud that houses a toilet."

That "strange thing" is something our children need much more of, especially if the well-meaning powers-that-be (whether they are municipal officials, business owners or parents) can sort out the mindless bureaucratic requirements from the necessary safety concerns. Kids need the sense of accomplishment that comes from being trusted with a real job to do in the real world. They benefit from the increased self-esteem that comes from participating - at whatever level - in a functioning group. Everyone benefits when kids develop the grace and confidence that accompanies being in control of themselves and of their surroundings. And, of course, they don't need the sort of "protection" that results from lack of adult trust and preparation, and that keeps them sitting on the sidelines and away from meaningful work.

Aside from safety, there are other reasons for sidelining children. Showing respect for a child's developing skills takes patience and skills. Doing a task ourselves is usually easier and more efficient than allowing the time needed for a child to do it. Children's results might be not good enough for the satisfaction of perfectionist adults. And some people just underestimate what a child can do.

They may be the same people who question how unschooled children will ever learn how to function in the real world! Perhaps they misunderstand the concept of life learning, or maybe they mean that the real world is a competitive, hostile and grim place - does that mean it's intentional that schools are so often such ugly places?! If that's the case, I'd have to say that not only do life learning kids have the secure preparation of a joyous childhood to prepare themselves for adulthood, they are able to observe, experience and celebrate the positive aspects of life by interacting with friendly, supportive adults. And who knows? That might be just the sort of childhood that's needed to make the whole world a better place!

Personal empowerment starts with the realization of the value of our own life experience and potential to affect the world - whether we are babies, toddlers, teens or adults. So as life learners, we need to find as many ways as possible to nurture this awareness of the value of experience in people of all ages. Our children especially deserve the same flexibility, control, access and opportunities to be part of - and learn from - the daily life of the families and communities in which they live.

This essay first appeared in Life Learning Magazine, November/December 2007

Copyright (c) Wendy Priesnitz 2008


Image copyrights: http://www.uci.edu/; http://image.guardian.co.uk/

Formula for disaster

Many new parents think infant formula is the next best thing to Mom, but nothing could be further from the truth.

When Tabitha Walrond's 7-week-old infant died of starvation last year, the fact that this young New York mother had attempted to breast-feed her baby -- albeit with obvious lack of success -- was widely blamed for the complex and haunting tragedy. The national headlines regarding the Walrond case were ongoing and sensational. "Nursed to Death" read one. "Breast-feeding can kill?" inquired another.

During the same period, the similar death of the 6-week-old breast-fed baby of another New York mother, Tatiana Cheeks, raised further breast-feeding concerns in the press and with the public. This time one headline read "Nursing Death?" In 1995, a widely-circulated Wall Street Journal article detailing dehydration in several middle-class breast-fed babies whose mothers had experienced breast-feeding difficulties led to a surge in phone calls to pediatricians and hospital hotlines across the country from new parents worried that breast-feeding itself could somehow harm their infants. Given this environment, many conscientious new parents may conclude that formula-feeding represents a safer alternative to the potential "dangers" of breast-feeding. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

In virtually all of the reported cases each year in which a breast-fed baby becomes seriously ill as a result of her mother's feeding choice, the problem is actually one of not breast-feeding -- meaning that, as in the Walrond and Cheeks cases, some uninformed and unsupported nursing mothers are not aware that they aren't effectively transferring milk from their breasts to their babies. In sharp contrast, however, routine formula feeding -- even when done properly by parents -- is itself a contributor to overall rates of infant morbidity and mortality in the United States. This is because -- despite what manufacturers' advertising would have parents believe -- today's commercial infant formulas, while a marked improvement over the homemade concoctions of years past, still represent a flawed and highly inferior imitation of our own, species-specific milk.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics' most recent member survey, a majority of baby doctors see slightly more formula-fed babies than breast-fed babies admitted to the hospital for instances of malnutrition and failure to thrive. But this represents only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the differences in rates of morbidity and mortality between formula-fed and breast-fed infants in this country. When the overall health of formula-fed infants in the U.S. is compared to that of breast-fed infants -- even after controlling for variables such as parents' socioeconomic backgrounds -- it becomes clear that formula-fed babies are sicker, sick more often, and are more likely to die in infancy or childhood. However, parents often lack access to this information, and in fact, are often the recipients of misinformation, thus denied the ability to make truly informed choices regarding how they will feed their babies. Although the phrase "breast-feeding is best" is tossed around so liberally as to have been rendered almost meaningless, many Americans are under the mistaken impression that today's commercial infant formulas are nearly identical to human milk. And because of this, parents who routinely approach other important infant health and safety issues in a thoughtful, deliberate way are largely unaware that in epidemiological terms, the decision to formula-feed when breast-feeding is an option places their child at demonstrably higher risk for a wide variety of ailments.

"Parents are not adequately informed regarding the real risks of artificial milks [infant formula]," says Nancy Wight, MD, FAAP, IBCLC, and a neonatologist at Children's Hospital in San Diego. She says that she considers it part of her job to strongly encourage the parents of her patients to breast-feed. "Doctors never worry about making parents feel guilty when we discuss childhood immunizations, car seats, seatbelts, bicycle helmets or fencing around pools. I have an obligation to my patients to give them correct information -- not formula marketing slogans -- and let them make the choice."

Dr. Lawrence Gartner, MD, FAAP is a respected medical authority on infant feeding who has played a role in drafting policy statements for the AAP regarding this issue. He agrees that parents today aren't fully aware that the breast-or-bottle decision is more than just another neutral lifestyle choice."Compared to other equally important child safety issues like car seat use or babies' sleep position, parents should understand that the decision whether to breast- or bottle-feed ranks right up on top when it comes to protecting babies. The AAP certainly puts it in that category."

In fact, the AAP explicitly states that encouraging breast-feeding among parents is "as important to preventive pediatric health care as promoting immunizations, car seat use, and proper infant sleep position."

Katherine Dettwyler, Ph.D., associate professor of anthropology at Texas A&M University and an internationally recognized expert on infant nutrition, agrees with Gartner's assessment of the relative risks of "artificial feeding" for American children. "I would rank the decision of how to feed your baby as the No. 1 infant safety issue in this country," says Dettwyler.

Despite the widespread misperception that aggressive promotion of breast-feeding has had a major impact on how we feed our babies, more than 70% of infants in the United States are fed infant formula as their primary source of nutrition for most of their critical first year of life. According to a recent report in the Washington Post, although a federal survey in 1995 found that 58% of American mothers start off breast-feeding their babies -- the same percentage as a decade earlier -- 20% fewer mothers today are still breast-feeding after three months. While it is certainly true that many individual formula-fed infants will do "just fine" (as will most unvaccinated individuals in the United States), the research clearly indicates that, as a population, America's formula-fed babies are not "fine" at all.

"Sure, you can speak of the benefits of breast-feeding," explains Dr. Gartner. "But it's really just as accurate -- maybe more accurate -- to speak of the risks of formula-feeding. Unfortunately, the large volume of medical literature we now have that demonstrates this is written from the perspective of proving the 'advantages' of breast-feeding -- as if formula-feeding were the gold standard. But when you read the literature the other way around -- as it should be read, really -- the results are rather startling."

These "startling" results were crystallized in the AAP's exhaustively researched 1998 Policy Statement on Breast-feeding and the Use of Human Milk. For the first time, parents can easily access a readable, comprehensive overview of all the most current medical literature related to infant feeding. Summarizing the results of their study, the AAP Policy Statement notes that infants who are not breast-fed "in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other developed countries, among predominantly middle-class populations" see an increased incidence and severity of such diseases as diarrhea (a malady from which approximately 500 American children aged 4 and under lose their lives each year), lower respiratory infection, otitis media (ear infections), bacteremia, bacterial meningitis, botulism, urinary tract infection, and necrotizing enterocolitis. The AAP goes on to say that a number of studies now indicate that breast milk may lower babies' risk for sudden infant death syndrome, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, lymphoma (cancer), allergic diseases, and other chronic digestive diseases.

"More than 1,000 childhood deaths per year in the United States could be prevented through breast-feeding," says Dr. Allan Cunningham, associate professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse and the author of scholarly articles on the mortality risks of bottle-fed babies in the United States. "This includes infants who die from a wide variety of illnesses such as diarrheal diseases like rotavirus, as well as pneumonia and bacterial meningitis. Although the 'Back to Sleep' campaign has made a large dent in the number of babies who die each year from crib death, my estimate is that you roughly double the statistical risk of a baby dying of SIDS if you formula-feed. This is something parents just aren't made aware of."

Dr. Cunningham has published research in leading pediatric journals indicating that for every 1,000 bottle-fed infants in the United States, 77 hospital admissions would result. The comparable figure for breast-fed infants was determined to be five hospital admissions. And Naomi Baumslag, M.D., MPH and Dia Michels note in their book, "Milk, Money and Madness" (Bergin and Garvey, 1995): "Even where bacterial contamination can be minimized, the risks of bottle-feeding are not inconsequential. Bottle-fed infants raised by educated women in clean environments, to this day, have significantly greater rates of illness and even death ... In a study that analyzed hospitalization patterns for a homogeneous, middle-class, white American population, bottle-fed infants were 14 times more likely to be hospitalized than breast-fed infants."

A May 1995 study reported in the Journal of Pediatrics, "Differences in Morbidity Between Breast-fed and Formula-fed Infants," examined "whether breast-feeding is protective against infection in relatively affluent populations." The study followed two groups of babies, each of whom was either breast-fed or formula-fed exclusively for the entire first year of life. The babies were matched for characteristics such as birth weight and parental socioeconomic status, and the study was controlled for the use of daycare. The results of this research revealed that, in the first year of life, the incidence of diarrheal illness among formula-fed infants was twice that of breast-fed infants and the number of prolonged ear infections (more than ten days in duration) was 80% higher in formula-fed infants. Breast-fed infants experienced 19% fewer ear infections overall.

In a study reported in the April 1999 issue of Pediatrics, researchers looked at the frequency of only three illnesses during the first year of life: lower respiratory tract illnesses, otitis media, and gastrointestinal illness. Infants in the study were healthy at birth and were classified as never breast-fed, partially breast-fed, or exclusively breast-fed, based on their mother's feeding choice during the first three months of life. According to the study's authors, "Frequency of office visits and hospitalizations for the three illnesses was adjusted for maternal education and maternal smoking, using analysis of variance." The results of the research revealed that there were 2,033 excess office visits, 212 excess days of hospitalization and 609 excess prescriptions for these three illnesses alone per 1,000 bottle-fed infants compared with 1,000 exclusively breast-fed infants.

To Dr. Dettwyler, more familiar illnesses, such as ear infections, represent an important aspect of the risks of formula-feeding which shouldn't be overlooked. "In this country we have just become accustomed to repeated ear infections in our babies. Although we can treat these problems with antibiotics, we should be asking ourselves how this affects our babies' quality of life," says Dettwyler.

Dr. Wight agrees. "We are accepting as normal, abnormal amounts of unnecessary illnesses such as otitis media, lower respiratory illness, gastroenteritis, diabetes and allergies, among others."

Despite the fact that the medical literature clearly supports the contention that formula-feeding represents a statistically riskier enterprise for American babies than does breast-feeding, this isn't a message parents often hear in the media. It's hard to imagine headlines proclaiming: "Mother's choice to formula-feed leads to preemie dying of necrotizing enterocolitis!" (Necrotizing enterocolitis is an inflammation of the large and small intestines, which carries a mortality rate of 20-40 percent for the 5-12 percent of all very premature infants who become ill with it. Formula-fed preemies are up to 10 times more likely to experience this serious complication, and of those infants who develop the illness, infants who aren't receiving breast milk are significantly more likely to require surgery and to die.) Individual health-care providers across the country are able to relate specific instances in which babies experienced less favorable health and developmental outcomes attributable to artificial feeding. But no one from the Wall Street Journal is calling to put these cases on the front page as evidence of the potential hazards of infant formula.

Dr. Linda Shaw, M.D., FAAP, is a practicing pediatrician in Altoona, Penn. who says that she sees "plenty of babies with formula problems ... Just a few months ago, I had a formula-fed infant I had to admit to the hospital for failure to thrive. I have also cared for infants with cow's milk protein allergies leading to gross rectal bleeding. I've seen lots of infants hospitalized with gastroenteritis or RSV [Respiratory Syncytial Virus, the single most common cause of lung infections in infants] that was worse because they weren't getting the maternal antibodies found in breast milk," says Shaw.

Catherine Bargar, RN, IBCLC is a lactation consultant in private practice in Ithaca, N.Y. She says that in her previous positions as Obstetrics Discharge Coordinator at an Ithaca hospital and as a staff member with a local office of the Women Infants and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program for low-income families, she saw "many babies who experienced significant negative health effects from formula." In some instances, these illnesses were actually due to improper formula-feeding, such as patients preparing formula with water from unclean wells, leading to babies with severe diarrhea requiring hospitalization. In many other cases, however, the problems Bargar observed were directly attributable to the risks inherent in any formula feeding.

"I saw countless babies suffering through numerous unsuccessful formula changes in an attempt to find one that the baby could tolerate. Details varied somewhat as to which formula had what negative effect, but the story was always the same: The mom had stopped breast-feeding or never even started and tried formula Brand X. The baby then vomited, got serious rashes, failed to gain weight appropriately, developed asthma, etc. They then switched formula numerous times with varying negative health effects and ended up with a sickly baby or toddler," recalls Bargar. "These children ended up on expensive and only marginally-tolerated formula. Often these babies were diagnosed with gastric esophageal reflux following expensive testing. This scenario was one I encountered at least daily."

Although commercial infant formulas are better than synthetic human milk substitutes of the past, the simple fact is that they can never duplicate the living, anti-infective and unique hormonal properties of real breast milk. "It has become increasingly apparent that infant formula can never duplicate human milk," wrote John D. Benson, Ph.D., and Mark L. Masor, Ph.D., in the March 1994 issue of the medical journal Endocrine Regulations. "Human milk contains living cells, hormones, active enzymes, immunoglobulins and compounds with unique structures that cannot be replicated in infant formula." Benson and Masor, both researchers for infant formula manufacturing giant Abbott Labs, went on to note that they believe that creating an infant formula that replicates human milk would be impossible.

This may come as a surprise to parents who see and hear frequent advertisements from infant formula companies touting their products as "a miracle" and "most like breast milk." In fact, formula manufacturers have no idea exactly how close their product is to breast milk because new ingredients and properties of breast milk are discovered every year. And even among those elements of human milk of which science is already aware, today's infant formula still doesn't measure up. Breast milk contains hundreds of known ingredients and elements which have not been -- or cannot be -- added to infant formula at this time.

"Modern formulas are only superficially similar to breast milk. Every correction of a deficiency in formulas is advertised as an advance. Fundamentally they are inexact copies based on outdated and incomplete knowledge of what breast milk is. Formulas contain no antibodies, no living cells, no enzymes, no hormones. They contain much more aluminum, manganese, cadmium and iron than breast milk. They contain significantly more protein than breast milk. The proteins and fats are fundamentally different from those in breast milk," says Dr. Jack Newman, a Canadian pediatrician who has been a UNICEF infant nutrition consultant in Africa, and has published articles on the subject of breast-feeding in Scientific American and several medical journals

Dr. Martha Neuringer, a research associate professor of clinical nutrition at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland was quoted in 1994 by New York Times science writer Natalie Angier as saying that, "Human milk is an incredibly complicated substance. It contains proteins we haven't even identified yet, much less know the function of."

In the June 1999 issue of Discover Magazine, it was reported that Swedish and British immunologists working with a grant from the American Cancer Society have discovered that one identified protein in breast milk, alpha-lactalbumin, literally destroys every cancer cell with which it comes into contact. According to lead scientist Catharina Svanborg, her team pursued this exciting research in an attempt to determine why "the relative risk of childhood lymphoma is nine times higher in bottle-fed infants, and the risk for carcinoma is also elevated."

"This [alpha-lactalbumin] is a substance that kills lots of tumor cells, every cancer we test it against. Lung cancer, throat cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and pneumococcus bacteria too," explained Svanborg in Discover.

One new tack taken by infant-formula manufacturers has been to attempt to match the body chemistry of the breast-fed infant rather than the chemical makeup of breast milk itself. Abbott Labs researchers have stated, "A better goal is to match the performance of the breast-fed infant. Performance is measured by the infant's growth, absorption of nutrients, gastrointestinal tolerance and reactions in blood."

Yet even using this standard of measurement, bottle-feeding falls short. Levels of long-chain fatty acids -- a critical component of brain development in humans -- are markedly lower in the blood chemistry of artificially-fed infants. Additionally, certain hormones, minerals and amino acids are found at very different levels in breast- and bottle-fed babies. "Formulas succeed only at making babies grow well, usually, but there is more to breast-feeding than getting the baby to grow quickly," explains Dr. Newman.

In addition to the health risks inherent in feeding an inferior substitute for mother's milk -- formula-feeding can also be hazardous due to parental misuse or manufacturing error. Child health advocates, particularly those associated with the WIC program, report that some parents dilute their babies' bottles of formula in an attempt to make the expensive product last longer. This can cause malnutrition, or a condition known as "water intoxication," leading to brain swelling and seizures. Additionally, parents who do not have access to a safe water supply place their babies at risk of bacterial contamination when they prepare bottles of formula.

Formula manufacturing errors are also far more common than most American parents are aware. In fact, the federal Infant Formula Act, which aimed to improve the safety and effectiveness of infant formula, was passed after a manufacturing error allowed a large quantity of chloride-deficient formula to enter the U.S. marketplace, causing documented health problems in a number of babies.

According to information on a company Web site from "Qualicon, Inc.," a new DuPont subsidiary that describes itself as providing commercial diagnostics in food, pharmaceutical and personal-care products, an unnamed infant formula manufacturer recently discovered that "its finished product was consistently contaminated with low levels of Enterobacter sakazakii." Although Qualicon's report of this incident states that this substance is not a known pathogen, in fact strains of Enterobacter sakazakii are known to cause deadly illnesses such as meningitis in infants fed infected formula. In this case, Qualicon describes having isolated Enterobacter sakazakii "frequently in products from two (infant formula) factories and infrequently in products from a third." Qualicon found several hundred samples and more than 30 different strains of the bacteria in both raw materials and the environment at each site. This widespread problem was found to be caused by cross-contamination due to cleaning methods and personnel movement. As this information came from a Web site advertising Qualicon's services to the food industry and not from any infant formula manufacturer, parents are unlikely to have been aware of this potentially life-threatening infectious hazard.

In early June 1999, Mead Johnson, makers of infant formula brands including Enfamil and Prosobee, reported that 120,000 cans of infant formula shipped to stores late last year were being recalled due to a labeling mistake that could lead to "severe medical problems" in some babies. Company officials said the cans labeled as infant formula could actually contain the "adult nutritional supplement" Vanilla Sustacal. No public explanation was offered for the time lapse between discovery of the problem and the recall being issued. In another recent incident, a memo released by the Georgia WIC program on May 6, 1999 announced that in April of this year, Abbott Labs initiated a voluntary recall of its Ready-to-Feed (RTF) Isomil, an iron-fortified soy-based infant formula. The memo fails to mention exactly why the formula is being recalled. In April of this year, 75,000 32-ounce cans of Nestle's Carnation Good Start brand infant formula were recalled due to the product's having "curdled." No mention of this recall was made on Carnation's promotional Web site for parents.

In fact, between 1982 and 1994 alone, there were 22 significant infant formula recalls in the United States. At least seven of these were classified by the Food and Drug Administration as Class I, meaning health problems could be life-threatening to babies who were fed the tainted formula. In many cases, parents never become aware that their child's primary food source has been recalled because this would require checking with the FDA Enforcement Report every week to find out about any new problems with various brands.


Image Copyrights: http://www.herbalextractok.com/

Watch Video:

Tainted Baby Formula Kills 3 in China

Wonders of breast milk

Breasts are an astounding and fascinating body part, not because of how they might look like, but because of what they produce and the nursing process they are involved in! After studying the marvelous properties of breast milk, one cannot but be awed at this substance. Don't be afraid of being fascinated by breasts, as long as it is fascination towards the wonderful baby-nurturing process they take part in!

Even though many Americans have the mistaken idea that today's infant formulas are nearly identical to human milk and that they are "almost as good as breast milk", that is not true at all. Compared to infant formula, breast milk is so much better that there is no comparison! God knew what He was doing when He ordained our bodies to produce this amazing substance that makes babies thrive.

Formula-fed babies are sicker, sick more often, and are more likely to die in infancy or childhood.  Compared to exclusive/extended breastfed babies, formula-fed babies have a doubled overall infant death risk, and 4-fold risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). According a study that analyzed hospitalization patterns for a homogeneous, middle-class, white American population, bottle-fed infants were 14 times more likely to be hospitalized than breast-fed infants. A careful study of statistics shows that 9,000 lives could be saved yearly in the USA by exclusive breastfeeding!

In reality we should think breast milk as THE NORM and understand that infant formula is an inferior artificial baby feed. Formula is static, is often not tolerated well, and does not contain live white cells and antibodies to fight diseases like breast milk does. Breast milk is species-specific for humans and changes according to the infant's needs.

For example, if the baby is born pre-term, breasts produce milk that has a different composition, especially suited for a premature infant. In fact, for premature babies, breast milk can make the difference in life and death. Also, the newborn's first milk, colostrum, is in many ways different from the mature milk. It contains lots of antibodies, and acts as a laxative to purge the newborn's bowels from waste accumulated during the time in utero. Man simply CANNOT duplicate this wonder substance!

Protein in breast milk is mostly whey, which is easier to digest than casein (main protein in cow's milk). Protein of breast milk has high amounts of amino acid taurine, which has an important role in the development of the brain and the eyes.

Fats in breast milk are practically self-digesting, since breast milk also contains the enzyme lipase, which breaks down the fat.Fat is the main source of calories for babies - and babies need LOTS of calories to grow well! Also, fat in human milk has large amounts of certain omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain development (provided the mother eats those good omega-3 fats herself).

Vitamins and minerals in human milk are bioavailable-meaning they get absorbed well. Breast milk contains substances that enhance the absorption of minerals and vitamins.

DNA. Breast milk has been shown to affect an infant's gene expression. Breast milk and formula have different effects on at least 146 genes. Most of the genes enhanced by breast milk promote quick development of the intestine and immune system. For example, some of the genes positively affected by breast milk protect against "leaky gut".

Immune boosters. In each feeding mother delivers MILLIONS of LIVING white blood cells to her baby to help baby fight off all kinds of diseases. You will not find these living cells in formula! Also, when mother is exposed to a germ, she makes antibodies to that germ and gives these antibodies to her infant via her milk. Breast milk also contains factors that prevent microbes from attaching, and a long list of other antiviral, antibacterial and antiparasitic factors.

  • Even more amazing, if a baby contracts an illness that mom has not been exposed to previously, he will transfer this organism through his saliva to the breast, where antibodies are manufactured on site and then sent back to baby via the milk to help him cope. Mothers who wean their babies from the breast during the first and even second and third years of life often notice that their child becomes sick more than before, or for the first time.
    Lisa Marasco and Jan Barger in Examining the Evidence for Cue feeding of Breastfed Infants

Hormones and enzymes. Breast milk has lots of digestive enzymes, and also many hormones. These all contribute to the baby's well being. Every year scientists find more valuable substances in breast milk. Science is only beginning to understand what all there is in human milk that helps baby's growth and development!

Breast milk makes healthy babies

Breastfeeding prevents obesity. Formula-fed babies are more likely to be obese during adolescence. Longer periods of breastfeeding greatly reduce the risk of being overweight in adulthood.

Healthy teeth. Formula-fed babies have worse jaw alignment and are more likely to need orthodontic work as they get older. This is probably because the sucking action during breastfeeding improves the development of facial muscles and the shape of the palate.

Healthy eyes and ears. Bottle fed babies have worse vision, and get more ear infections than breast-fed infants.

General health. Bottle-fed infants and children have more and more severe upper respiratory infections, wheezing, pneumonia and influenza. They have more diarrhea, more gastrointestinal infections and constipation.

Health later in life. Formula-fed babies have a raised risk of heart disease, juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma and allergy. Breastfeeding may also play a role in preventing digestive diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, as well as childhood cancers. If you give your infant the unique food designed for it by God, his or her body will function in a healthier way in all aspects.

Breastfeeding and intelligence (IQ)

Studies on breastfeeding and intelligence generally show that breastfeeding has a positive effect on the child's IQ.

For example, in a study of more than 3,000 young men and women from Copenhagen, Denmark, it was found that infants breastfed for nine months grew up to be significantly more intelligent than infants breastfed for one month or less. This study took into account 13 similar factors related to the mother's health, wealth and behavior when analyzing the difference between the scores of more-breastfed and less-breastfed young adults. The significant differences held up after they were factored in.

Another study published in 2007 found a VERY interesting relationship between breastfeeding and intelligence: it showed that whether breastfeeding affects a child's intelligence depends on a certain gene. In 90% of the children, the gene is such a way that breastfeeding DOES affect the child's intelligence, probably by affecting the fatty acid metabolism, or the way the body processes fatty acids. In the remaining 10%, breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding has no effect on intelligence.

This important finding now sheds some light on the previous studies that have had mixed results: there is another confounding factor there, in the children's genetic material. But it further confirms the intellectual advantage breastfeeding can give for 90% of the children. (And of course even the 10% are helped by breast milk in other ways.)

In one 2007 study from the University of Bristol, researchers found that breastfed children are more likely to climb the social ladder than those who are bottle-fed. The researchers said one possible reason for the findings could be that breastfeeding improves health, stature, and IQ.

Breast milk contains several substances that help the baby's brain and can increase the child's IQ over his bottle-fed peers.

  • It contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid that is important for the brain (see Chapter 11). The levels of this fatty acid in breast milk depend on the mother's consumption of omega-3 rich foods, such as fish and flax. The DHA levels are also highest in babies who are breastfed the longest.
  • Breast milk has cholesterol, which is needed to make nerve tissue in the growing brain.
  • Breast milk is high in lactose, which is broken down in the body into glucose and galactose, and galactose is a valuable nutrient for brain tissue development. We know from animal studies that the more intelligent species of mammals have greater amounts of lactose in their milk. Cow's milk contains lactose, but not as much as human milk. Soy-based and other lactose-free formulas obviously contain no lactose at all.
  • Taurine, an amino acid found in breast milk, is important to the brain development. This amino acid is low in cow's milk.
  • The breastfeeding process itself may also benefit a child's brain development because it varies more than the bottle-feeding experience, and because of a greater skin-to-skin contact.

You might say that you know someone who was breast fed and ended up less smart than someone else who was bottle-fed. Certainly that is true in individual cases, because there are many factors that affect individual's intelligence − not just breastfeeding. Genetic makeup, how the child is raised, and the nutrition after infancy play a big role too. The duration of breastfeeding matters also; nursing for a few months might not make such a difference as nursing till the child self-weans. So breastfeeding alone won't guarantee that your child will be some kind of Einstein, but it does have its effect.

There also exist studies that have not found any link between breastfeeding and IQ, and often such studies can make big headlines in the media when they first come out. However, many such studies have severe flaws in their design: for example, some studies have defined breastfeeding as "ever breastfed" − if the child gets one sip of breast milk and the rest is formula, then he belongs to the "breastfeeding" group. Such a definition automatically leads to flawed results.

Another factor that may play a role is that the amount of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in breast milk varies according to the mother's diet. We would expect that studies done on mothers who do not eat much fish or take fish oil (which is a large portion of the US population) would not reveal a large difference in IQ as compared to bottle-fed babies. But more research comes out every year, and the picture will get clearer as time goes on.


Image Copyrights: http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/; http://delvecarahe.files.wordpress.com/

Vitamin B6 and methionine slash lung cancer risk by 50 percent

Lung cancer, which usually develops in the cells lining air passages, will be diagnosed in about 222,520 Americans this year, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In addition, the NCI says nearly half that many people -- about 157,300 -- will die from the disease in 2010.

Although lung cancer is notoriously difficult to treat successfully, French scientists have discovered several natural substances that offer substantial protection from the malignancy. In a huge study of almost 400,000 participants, those who had higher blood levels of vitamin B6 and the essential amino acid methionine (found in many forms of protein) had the lowest risk of lung cancer -- even those who were former or current smokers.

For the study, which was just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Paul Brennan, Ph.D., of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, and colleagues documented B vitamins and methionine levels based on serum samples from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort study. In all, they investigated 385,747 research subjects from 10 European countries. By 2006, 899 had been diagnosed with lung cancer; they were compared to 1,770 control participants and all were individually matched by country, sex, date of birth, and date of blood collection.

The results of the researchers' analysis revealed a dramatically lower risk for lung cancer among participants with the highest blood levels of B6 and methionine. In addition, a moderately lower risk for lung cancer in former and current smokers was observed in those with higher serum levels of folate.

"Similar and consistent decreases in risk were observed in never, former, and current smokers, indicating that results were not due to confounding (factors that can influence outcomes) by smoking. The magnitude of risk was also constant with increasing length of follow-up, indicating that the associations were not explained by preclinical disease," the researchers stated in their JAMA article.

"Our results suggest that above-median serum measures of both B6 and methionine, assessed on average five years prior to disease onset, are associated with a reduction of at least 50 percent on the risk of developing lung cancer. An additional association for serum levels of folate was present, that when combined with B6 and methionine, was associated with a two-thirds lower risk of lung cancer," the scientists wrote.

So how could these natural substances keep lung cancer at bay? The key may be found in previous research which has shown that B vitamin deficiencies likely increase the probability of DNA damage and subsequent gene mutations. "Given their involvement in maintaining DNA integrity and gene expression, these nutrients have a potentially important role in inhibiting cancer development, and offer the possibility of modifying cancer risk through dietary changes," the authors concluded. They also pointed out that B vitamin deficiencies are known to be high in many western populations.

Additional good news about lung protection was presented earlier this year at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference. Scientists have found eating a handful of pistachios daily may offer significant protection from lung cancer


The Major Exercise Mistake I Made for Over 30 Years...

Watch: Fitness Revolution

A recent study shows that ten minutes of brisk exercise triggers metabolic changes that last at least an hour. What's more, the more fit you are, the more benefits you will get.

Researchers measured biochemical changes in the blood of a variety of people. Metabolic changes that began after 10 minutes on a treadmill still were measurable 60 minutes after people cooled down.

According to USA Today:

"Checking a metabolite of fat breakdown, the team found people who were more fit — as measured by oxygen intake during exercise -- appeared to be burning more fat than the less fit ... The extremely fit -- 25 Boston Marathon runners -- had ten-fold increases in that metabolite after the race."

However, there's more to exercise than what this study presents.

Knowing what type of exercise creates the greatest beneficial biochemical changes can make a huge difference in your health.

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

The science of exercise has come a long way over the past decades. We're constantly discovering new information and details about how exercise creates the health benefits we typically associate with it, and more importantly, how we can exercise more efficiently and effectively to maximize results.

In this article, I will discuss an uncommon exercise technique that can make a dramatic difference in your health, and why.

But first, the study summarized above essentially confirms what I've been stating for years: that exercise is a key player for controlling your blood sugar and normalizing your insulin levels.

I actually view exercise as a drug with regard to being properly prescribed and having proper dosage,  And it's one that you can readily substitute for some of the most common drugs used today for things like diabetes, heart disease and depression.  All of these conditions will improve with exercise and with the help of an experienced natural health care clinician.

Nearly one in four people in the US have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and it is my experience that most of them could be reversed with the appropriate diet and exercise regimen -- exercise being the crucial key.

How Exercise Changes Your Biochemistry

In this study, the researchers measured the biochemical changes that occur during exercise, and found alterations in more than 20 different metabolites. Some of these compounds help you burn calories and fat, while others help stabilize your blood sugar, among other things.

Essentially, being of a healthy weight and exercising regularly creates a healthy feedback loop that optimizes and helps maintain healthy glucose and insulin levels through optimization of insulin receptor sensitivity.

And as I've explained on countless occasions, normalizing your insulin levels is the most important factor for optimizing your overall health and preventing disease of all kinds, from diabetes, to heart disease, to cancer, and everything in between.

It runs neck and neck with vitamin D as the two most important physical elements that you can do to improve your health.

This is also good news for those who are out of shape or overweight, because although it may take a little longer for you to correct your biochemistry, this same positive feedback loop will continue to create ever increasing health benefits as you persist and get fitter and leaner.

Best of all, just 10 minutes of BRISK exercise led to beneficial biochemical changes that were still measurable an hour later. And this is where what I have to say next comes into play.

Increase Your Exercise Benefits by Ditching Traditional Aerobic Cardio

Walk into any gym and you'll see most of the people crowding around the aerobics equipment, but there's actually a way to exercise that is FAR more effective than aerobic exercises like walking or running on a treadmill or elliptical machine for an hour, and it's called peak fitness.

Later, I will review all the types of exercise needed for a truly comprehensive routine, but first I want to explain just why peak fitness is so essential for your health, and how you can benefit from this particular style of training in ways you cannot get from ANY other type of exercise.

I've been trying this out for a several months now and in the first three months alone I dropped five percent body fat without ever touching a treadmill.

But boosting fat burning is just the beginning.

The NEW Peak Fitness Program

Dr. Al Sears first introduced me to his PACE concept but I always found his material to general and non specific and no information on the use of this exercise for growth hormone. I really started to understand this when I met Phil Campbell at a fitness camp earlier this year in Mexico. He wrote the book Ready Set Go which details how these exercises for super fast muscle fibers can increase growth hormone.

So that is the history and what we sought to do is to provide the material in a digestible format, just like we do with the medical news, to provide you with a simple to comprehend guide that can explode you into fitness and health. In addition the the peak cardio exercises promoted by Sears and Campbell, we are seeking to promote a holistic approach to exercise.

Peak fitness is a term I am coining to represent a comprehensive exercise program that includes far more than typical cardio training. The major change is that once or twice a week you do peak exercises, in which you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, and then you recover for 90 seconds.

You would repeat this cycle for a total of eight repetitions. These cycles are preceded by a three minute warm up and two minute cool down so the total time investment is about 20 minutes.

It has been my personal experience that using this approach is far more effective than traditional cardio for a number of reasons that I will describe below. I was able to use this to help me lose over ten pounds of body fat and get my percent body fat down to 12 percent, but my goal is single digits.

The intensity is absolutely individual. For some it may be as simple as fast walking alternating with slow walking.

You can improvise it into just about any type of exercise, and you really don't require a gym membership or any equipment to do it. If you do have access to equipment, using an elliptical or recumbent bike work really well.

One of my favorites is to use a recumbent bike. It is extremely challenging, and I enjoy that! This is the one I chose and am personally committed to, but the alternatives are almost limitless.

They key is to push your heart rate into that training zone for 30 seconds and then recover slowly for 90 seconds.

We call it "peak fitness" because if you graph your heart rate, you will see that it peaks 8 times during the workout.

Exercise to Increase Your Levels of the "Fitness Hormone"

One of the major reasons I am so enthusiastic about peak fitness is that it can actually increase your growth hormone level.

Yes, I realize that many athletes are injecting this illegally to achieve fitness, but it is expensive and fraught with side effects.

Peak fitness exercises, on the other hand, can actually cause your growth hormone to increase naturally, without any of the expense or side effects.

In order to better grasp the benefits of peak fitness exercises, you first need to understand that you have three different types of muscle fibers: slow, fast, and super-fast. And only ONE of these muscles will impact your production of a vital hormone called HGH, or human growth hormone, which is KEY for strength, health and longevity.

Currently, the vast majority of people, including many athletes such as marathon runners, only train using their slow muscle fibers, which has the unfortunate effect of actually causing the super fast fibers to decrease or atrophy.

In fact, neither traditionally performed aerobic cardio nor strength training will work anything but your slow muscles. These are the red muscles, which are filled with capillaries and mitochondria, and hence a lot of oxygen.

Next you have the fast type of fiber which is also red muscle, and oxygenates quickly, but is five times faster than the slow fibers. Power training, or plyometrics burst types of exercises will engage these fast muscles.

The super-fast ones are the white muscle fibers. They contain far less blood and less densely packed mitochondria. These muscle fibers are what you use when you do anaerobic short burst exercises.

High intensity burst cardio is the form of exercise that will engage these super fast fibers. They're ten times faster than slow fibers, and this is the key to producing growth hormone!

Are You in Somatopause (Age Related Growth Hormone Deficiency?)

As you reach your 30s and beyond, you enter what's called "somatopause," when your levels of HGH begin to drop off quite dramatically. This is part of what drives your aging process.

It has been my experience that nearly everyone over 30 has dramatically abnormal levels of this important hormone because they begin leading increasingly more sedentary life styles. 

Children and most animals in the wild do not run marathons or lift weights, they move at high speeds for very short periods of time and then rest. This is natural and what optimizes the production of growth hormone.

The higher your levels of growth hormone, the healthier and stronger you're going to be. And the longer you can keep your body producing higher levels of HGH, the longer you will experience robust health and strength.

Dr. Harvey Cushing discovered HGH in the form of somatotropin almost a hundred years ago. Many individuals choose to inject it, though it is a banned substance in many professional sports. 

As I said earlier, I don't recommend doing this as I believe the health risks and cost are in no way justifiable.

Ideally, you really want your body to produce it naturally, as injecting HGH does have side effects. And the way you produce it is by exercising your super-fast muscle fibers.

Benefits of Peak Fitness Exercises

Once you regularly participate in these 20 minute excises about twice a week, most everyone notices the following benefits:

  • Lowers your body fat
  • Dramatically improves muscle tone
  • Firms your skin and reduces wrinkles
  • Boosts your energy and sexual desire
  • Improves athletic speed and performance
  • Allows you to achieve your fitness goals much faster

How to Properly Perform Peak Fitness Exercises to Increase Your Growth Hormone Levels

First of all, please remember that you can perform this with any type of exercise. While having access to a gym or exercise equipment will provide you with a larger variety of options, you don't require either. You can easily perform this by walking or running on flat ground.

You will certainly want to work your way up to this point, but ultimately you want to exercise vigorously enough so you reach your anaerobic threshold as this is where the "magic" happens that will trigger your growth hormone release.

Whatever activity you choose, by the end of your 30 second period you will want to reach these markers:

  • It will be relatively hard to breathe and talk because you are in oxygen debt
  • You will start to sweat profusely. Typically this is occurs in the second or third repetition unless you have a thyroid issue and don't sweat much normally.
  • Your body temperature will rise
  • Lactic acid increases and you will feel a muscle "burn"

If you are using cardio equipment like an elliptical or bike, you don't need to reach any "magical" speed. It's highly individual, based on your current level of fitness. But you know you're doing it right when you're exerting yourself to the point of typically gasping for breath, after a short burst of activity.

An added boon is that you'll save a tremendous amount of time because peak fitness will cut your hour-long cardio workout down to a total of 20 minutes or so, including your recovery time, warm-up and cool down.

The actual sprinting totals only 4 minutes!

Here's what a typical peak fitness routine might look like using a recumbent bike:

  1. Warm up for three minutes
  2. Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel like you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds
  3. Recover for 90 seconds
  4. Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times

Be mindful of your current fitness level and don't overdo it when you first start out.

If you are not in great shape and just starting this you may want to start with just two or three repetitions, and work your way up to eight, which is where the magic really starts to happen. You may need to start with just walking and when you do your 30 second bursts your legs would be moving as fast as possible without running - and your arms would be pumping hard and fast.

If you can do a peak fitness workout twice a week, and follow the dietary recommendations I'll go over next, you will increase your production of growth hormone.

Dietary Recommendations to Maximize Growth Hormone Release

To maximize your growth hormone release you need to:

  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Avoid a high fat meal prior to exercising
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat healthy carbs (think vegetables) and high quality protein
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels
  • Avoid sugar, especially fructose

The last part is absolutely crucial.

If you consume sugar or fructose, especially within two hours post-exercise, you will increase somatostatin which will in turn obliterate the production of growth hormone!

This is yet another example of why gulping down sports drinks that are chockfull of high fructose corn syrup can do your body more harm than good, and will just shut down your body's production of HGH and negate many of the benefits from your exercise.

Creating a Comprehensive Exercise Plan

You really do need a comprehensive approach to exercise, which is a major part of our peak fitness exercise approach.

Ideally you want to have a variety of exercises and avoid doing the same ones all the time, as this will lead to a relative tolerance and you will not provide your body with the variety of stresses it needs to continuously adapt, improve, and grow stronger.

There are four additional types that will turn your peak fitness regimen into a truly comprehensive exercise plan:

  1. Aerobic: No, I didn't say you had to quit straight aerobics altogether, (even though I did, and am reaping greater results than before). Jogging, using an elliptical machine, and walking fast are all examples of aerobic exercise, which will increase the amount of oxygen in your blood and increase endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. Aerobic exercise also activates your immune system, helps your heart pump blood more efficiently, and increases your stamina over time.
  2. Strength Training: Rounding out your exercise program with a 1-set strength training routine will ensure that you're really optimizing the possible health benefits of a regular exercise program. You need enough repetitions to exhaust your muscles. The weight should be heavy enough that this can be done in fewer than 12 repetitions, yet light enough to do a minimum of four repetitions. It is also important NOT to exercise the same muscle groups every day. They need at least two days of rest to recover, repair and rebuild.
  3. Core Exercises: Your body has 29 core muscles located mostly in your back, abdomen and pelvis. This group of muscles provides the foundation for movement throughout your entire body, and strengthening them can help protect and support your back, make your spine and body less prone to injury and help you gain greater balance and stability. Pilates and yoga are great for strengthening your core muscles, as are specific exercises you can learn from a personal trainer. Even if a personal trainer is not in the cards for you right now, please watch these sample videos for examples of healthy exercise routines you can do with very little equipment and in virtually any location. http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/videos.aspx Focusing on your breath and mindfulness along with increasing your flexibility is an important element of total fitness.
  4. Stretching: My favorite types of stretches are active isolated stretching (AIS) http://www.stretchingusa.com/ developed by Aaron Mattes. It's an amazing way to get flexibility back into your system, and it's completely different from the traditional type of stretching.


Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture

Masanobu Fukuoka is a farmer/philosopher who lives on the Island of Shikoku, in southern Japan. His farming technique requires no machines, no chemicals and very little weeding. He does not plow the soil or use prepared compost and yet the condition of the soil in his orchards and fields improve each year. His method creates no pollution and does not require fossil fuels. His method requires less labor than any other, yet the yields in his orchard and fields compare favorably with the most productive Japanese farms which use all the technical know-how of modern science.

How is this possible? I admit, when I first went to his farm in 1973 I was skeptical. But there was the proof - beautiful grain crops in the fields, healthy orchard trees growing with a ground cover of vegetables, weeds and white clover. Over the two-year period I lived and worked there his techniques and philosophy gradually became clear to me.

I had not heard of permaculture at the time, but I can see now that Fukuoka's farm is a classic working model of permaculture design. It is remarkable that Fukuoka and Bill Mollison, working independently, on two different continents with entirely different environmental conditions should come up with such similar solutions to the question, "How can people on live this planet sustainably and in harmony with nature." Both claim that the principles of their system can be adapted to any climatic area.

Mollison and Fukuoka

Mollison and Fukuoka took entirely different routes to get to essentially the same place. Permaculture is a design system which aims to maximize the functional connection of its elements. It integrates raising crops and animals with careful water management. Homes and other structures are designed for maximum energy efficiency. Everything is made to work together and evolve over time to blend harmoniously into a complete and sustainable agricultural system.

The key word here is design. Permaculture is a consciously designed system. The designer carefully uses his/her knowledge, skill and sensitivity to make a plan, then implement it. Fukuoka created natural farming from a completely different perspective.

The idea for natural farming came to Fukuoka when he was about twenty five years old. One morning, as he sat at sunrise on a bluff overlooking Yokohama Bay, a flash of inspiration occurred. He saw that nature was perfect just as it is. Problems arise when people try to improve upon nature and use nature strictly for human benefit. He tried to explain this understanding to others, but when they could not understand he made a decision to return to his family farm. He decided to create a concrete example of his understanding by applying it to agriculture.

But where to begin? Fukuoka had no model to go by. "'How about trying this? How about trying that?' That is the usual way of developing agricultural technique. My way was different. 'How about not doing this, and How about not doing that?' - this was the path I followed. Now my rice growing is simply sowing seed and spreading straw, but it has taken me more than thirty years to reach this simplicity."

The basic idea for his rice growing came to him one day when he happened to pass an old field which had been left unused and unplowed for many years. There he saw healthy rice seedlings sprouting through a tangle of grasses and weeds. From that time on he stopped sowing rice seed in the spring and, instead, put the seed out in the fall when it would naturally have fallen to the ground. Instead of plowing to get rid of weeds he learned to control them with a ground cover of white clover and a mulch of barley straw. Once he has tilted the balance slightly in favor of his crops Fukuoka interferes as little as possible with the plant and animal communities in his fields.

This is not to say that Fukuoka did not experiment. For example, he tried more than twenty different ground covers before noticing that white clover was the only one which held back weeds effectively. It also fixes nitrogen so it improves the soil. He tried spreading the straw neatly over the fields but found the rice seeds could not make their way through. In one corner of the field, however, where the straw had scattered every which way, the seedlings emerged. The next year he scattered the straw across the entire field. There were years when his experiments resulted in almost a total crop loss, but in small areas things worked out well. He closely observed what was different in that part of the field and next year the results were better. The point is, he had no preconceived idea of what would work the best. He tried many things and took the direction nature revealed. As far as possible, Fukuoka was trying to take the human intellect out of the decision making process.

His vegetable growing also reflects this idea. He grows vegetables in the spaces between the citrus trees in the orchard. Instead of deciding which vegetables would do well in which locations he mixes all the seeds together and scatters them everywhere. He lets the vegetables find their own location, often in areas he would have least have expected. The vegetables reseed themselves and move around the orchard from year to year. Vegetables grown this way stronger and gradually revert to the form of their semi-wild ancestors.

I mentioned that Fukuoka's farm is a fine model of permaculture design. In Zone 1, nearest his family home in the village, he and his family maintain a vegetable garden in the traditional Japanese style. Kitchen scraps are dug into the rows, are crops rotated and chickens run freely. This garden is really an extension of the home living area.

Zone 2 is his grain fields. He grows a crop of rice and one of barley every year. Because he returns the straw to the fields and has the ground cover of white clover the soil actually improves each year. The natural balance of insects and a healthy soil keep insect and disease infestations to a minimum. Until Bill Mollison read The One-Straw Revolution he said he had no idea of how to include grain growing in his permaculture designs. All the agricultural models involved plowing the soil, a practice he does not agree with. Now he includes Fukuoka's no-tillage technique in his teaching.

Zone 3 is the orchard. The main tree crop is Mandarin oranges, but he also grows many other fruit trees, native shrubs and other native and ornamental trees. The upper story is tall trees, many of which fix nitrogen and so improve the soil deep down. The middle story is the citrus and other fruit trees. The ground is covered with a riotous mixture of weeds, vegetables, herbs and white clover. Chickens run freely. This multi-tiered orchard area came about through a natural evolution rather than conscious design. It still contains many of the basic permacultural design features. It has many different plant and species, maximizes surface area, contains solar sunlight "traps" and maintains a natural balance of insect populations.

Author Larry Korn with Fukuoka

Fukuoka invites visitors from Zone 4 anytime. Wild animals and birds come and go freely. The surrounding forest is the source of mushrooms, wild herbs and vegetables. It is also an inspiration. "To get an idea of the perfection and abundance of nature," Fukuoka says, "take a walk into the forest sometime. There, the animals, tall trees and shrubs are living together in harmony. All of this came about without benefit of human ingenuity or intervention."

What is remarkable is that Fukuoka's natural farming and permaculture should resemble each other so closely despite their nearly opposite approaches. Permaculture relies on the human intellect to devise a strategy to live abundantly and sustainably within nature. Fukuoka sees the human intellect as the culprit serving only to separate people from nature. The "one mountain top, many paths" adage seems to apply here.

Natural farming and permaculture share a profound debt to each other. The many examples of permaculture throughout the world show that a natural farming system is truly universal. It can be applied to arid climates as well as humid, temperate Japan. Also, the worldwide permaculture movement is an inspiration to Fukuoka. For many years he worked virtually alone in his work. For most of his life Japan was not receptive to his message. He had to self-publish his books because no publisher would take a chance on someone so far from the mainstream. When his experiments resulted in failure the other villagers would ridicule his work. In the mid-1980's he came to a Permaculture Convergence in Olympia, Washington and met Bill Mollison. There were nearly one thousand people there. He was overwhelmed and heartened by the number and sincerity of the like-thinking people he met. He thanked Mollison for "creating this network of bright, energetic people working to help save the planet." "Now," he said, "for the first time in my life I have hope for the future."

In turn, permaculture has adopted many things from Fukuoka. Besides the many agricultural techniques, such as continuous no-tillage grain growing and growing vegetables like wild plants, permaculture has also learned an important new approach for devising practical strategies. Most importantly, the philosophy of natural farming has given permaculture a truly spiritual basis lacking in its earlier teachings.

Fukuoka believes that natural farming proceeds from the spiritual health of the individual. He considers the healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit to be one process, and he proposes a way of life and a way of farming in which this process can take place. "Natural farming is not just for growing crops," he says, "it is for the cultivation and perfection of human beings."

Text and images copyright 2003 Larry Korn


Watch Video:

A Fukuoka Inspired Permaculture Garden

No Toil Gardening

There is a very simple and very beautiful way of eliminating 98% of the drudgery and toil of gardening. It's very simple; just mulch your vegetable and flower beds. And that's it; no more weeding, no more hoeing, no more of all that back breaking, stooping toil - and your gardens look great - all the time.

And if the odd week pokes through the mulch now and then, it is actually a pleasure to go and pull a few weeds. You'll see.

What you get from mulched gardens is inordinate good looks - all the time - and an equally inordinate measure of joy and satisfaction with the beauty of it all - and totally unclouded by the thought that you had to spend endless hours weeding and cultivating the whole thing. So, when the odd weed pokes through the mulch here and there, and now and then, it really is a pleasure to go out there and 'tidy up' a bit, now and then. I found myself wanting to, even itching to 'tidy up' a bit.

I continue to be amazed whenever I see un-mulched gardens. I can't understand it. It baffles me. And the more so because this beautiful no hassle, no toil, no labour way of gardening has a whole lot of additional powerful benefits. Besides the constant great good looks, it also keeps your gardens very healthy, and very productive.

A 3 to 4 inches deep layer of mulch also preserves a great deal of moisture, and this reduces the need for frequent watering, another substantial savings of time and labour. And hereabouts, when things heat up in Summer and we need to conserve water, this is a major, and great peace of mind, factor. But that's far from all. The constant moisture a mulch provides also does wonders for your plants. It eliminates the stress caused by lack of moisture and your plants can grow to their little heart's content.

Now then, if you can also use your dirty dish water in your gardens, you've not only solved the watering problems in summer, but you have a great fertilizer at the same time, and best of all, at no cost. And this 'double duty' of your dishwater is near the ultimate in conservation, and very, very 'green' - in many more ways than one.

A nice mulch also keeps the soil cool in the heat of day, and keeps it warm at night when our night time temperatures plummet. And this is another great boost to the health and vitality of your gardens. This alone prevents the dreaded blossom end rot in tomato plants, for instance. And of course, all the tropical natives, like tomatoes, peppers and melons - as well as all the tropical annuals in the flower gardens - just love it. It's one of the very best things you can do for them. And they'll reward you with strapping health and great productivity.

Mulching also eliminates all the labour of hoeing and cultivating. It chokes out all the weeds, which eliminates the need for hoeing. And even if you don't walk on your garden beds, rain will slowly compact and firm your soil, but the mulch absorbs the impact and leaves the soil underneath nicely loose. This eliminates the need for cultivating the soil. So, before you lay down your mulch, loosen the soil and the mulch will keep it that way for a long, long time - long enough that you never have to cultivate the soil again, until you lay down a new mulch.

Best of all, and if all this were not enough, it also enriches the quality and fertility of your soil. When the mulch decays, which it dos eventually, it adds its extremely valuable organic substance to the soil, enriching the quality, fertility, friability and moisture retention of your soil.

Last, but by no means least, the mulch is also a great haven for those miniscule hunting spiders, which keep your garden free of all insect pests.

Here then is a list of the most common mulches:

Ground bark; my favourite for for flower beds (fine), around shrubs and trees (fine or medium), and in paths between beds (medium). Looks very natural and very neat. No Cedar bark though! Cedar bark contains a strong antibiotic - that's why cedar wood lasts so long - and it'll kill your gardens. Ground bark is slightly acidic, which is superb for rhododendrons, azaleas, and all other woodland plants. Needs a good dusting of dolomite lime (no other) underneath it to compensate for its acidity in flower beds and for other plants than wood land natives. Lasts for about 2 years, and needs only a bit of topping up every year to keep it at its optimum depth of 3 to 4 inches.

Wood chips; from chipped branches, shrubs, asf. Great around shrubs and trees, and in paths. Looks natural, but some people don't like its irregular look. Again, no cedar!

Wood shavings or sawdust; good around shrubs and trees, and in paths. Looks clean and natural. But it ties up nitrogen. Needs nitrogen fertilizer to compensate. It can also blow away in strong winds, and it sheds water when dry. Again, no cedar though!

Sheared weeds; my all time favourite for vegetable beds. Looks a bit 'messy' when fresh, but soon dries out to the neat and natural look of straw. Decays much faster than woody mulches, which is great for increasing the fertility, quality, friability and moisture retention capacity of your soil. And its totally free; just shear your weeds to 2 inches periodically - so they can grow again for more mulch - and lay the shearings over as a mulch. Doesn't need any compensation for acidity or nitrogen.

And right now, after the soil has warmed up, is the best time to lay down a mulch. It needs to be a minimum of 3 inches deep, and 4 inches is better, to effectively suppress weeds, retain soil moisture, even out soil temperatures and keep your soil loose. Keep the mulch away from the crown of plants though. In paths, lay down a double layer of cardboard first, to prevent the mulch being trodden into the soil. This needs to be renewed every two years.

Mulching your gardens - once a year is more than plenty - has so many priceless benefits, besides inordinate good looks, and saves so much labour, that I can't understand why every garden isn't mulched. As I said, it baffles me no end.


First zero-emission home unveiled - UK

The UK has unveiled its first zero emission home that will set the environmental standard for all new homes in the future.

The two-bedroom house is insulated to lose 60% less heat than a normal home.

It also features solar panels, a biomass boiler and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting.

The design, unveiled at the Offsite 2007 exhibition in Watford, meets rules to be applied in 2016 that aim to make UK homes more energy-efficient.

The Kingspan Off-Site's Lighthouse design is the first to achieve level six of the Code for Sustainable Homes - which means the house is carbon neutral.

About a quarter of UK carbon emissions come from homes.

Green pledge

Chancellor Gordon Brown announced in his Budget in March that zero-carbon houses would be exempt from stamp duty.

See inside the eco-house

BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones said the Kingspan home is the first to reach level six requirements in the UK.

"The home generates all its own energy - and when you're away on holiday can send electricity back to the National Grid. The company says its annual energy bill would be 31 pounds, as compared to 500 pounds for the standard new home of this size," he said.

Among the features in the house are a biomass boiler, which runs on organic fuels such as wood pellets.

It counts as zero-emission because the carbon dioxide it gives off during the burning process is offset by the amount absorbed when the fuel crop was grown.

It also has a waste separation system that allows combustible waste to be burned to help provide power.

Cost concerns

1. Wind catcher, for summer ventilation
2. Solar array at back of house for hot water and electricity
3. High-level of wall insulation
4. Biomass boiler

There will be smart metering so that inhabitants will be able to tell if they are wasting any energy.

While the bills may be cheap, Kingspan, an Ireland-based materials specialist, admits the building cost is 40% more than the standard home.

But house designer Alan Shingler, of architects Sheppard Robson, was confident that costs would fall when more of the homes were built.

"It gets cheaper when you build, say, 250 of them," he said. "For a whole development you can introduce other ways of generating electricity - which is where most of the extra cost comes."


Image Copyrights: http://www.pauliddon.net/

Watch Video:

Passive Solar Home - A Perfect Use Of Solar Energy

The Truth About Bioplastics

Biodegradable plastics are going mainstream, but how green are they?

by Fiona Wagner

Plastics have been getting their fair share of bad press lately, especially those ubiquitous grocery bags. Critics argue they’re made with fossil fuels, take anywhere between 100 to 1,000 years to break down and create a massive litter problem worldwide.

Enter biodegradable plastics, eco-solutions for consumer items such as bags, plastic wrap and take-out food containers and cutlery. While still in its infancy, insiders estimate the ‘alternative’ plastic product industry could capture up to 20 percent of the plastics market over the next decade.

So, if traditional plastics are "bad," these greener alternatives must be good, right? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Here’s why.

Biodegradable plastics

While conventional plastics such as polyethylene and polystyrene are derived from fossil fuels, bioplastics, such as polylactic acid (PLA), are made from renewable resources such as starch from corn or sugar cane. Biodegradeable plastics (not to be confused with bioplastics), which break down under certain circumstances, can be derived from either agricultural or petrochemical sources.

In fact, biodegradeable plastics have been used in niche applications for years (consider dissolvable medical sutures, now a $300 million industry). But the consumer items have a shorter history. In the early 1990s, biodegradable plastic bags and plates, made of conventional polymers, such as polyolefin, mixed with a starch compound, were touted as a green alternative. Unfortunately, these products fell short of consumer expectations: While the starch component biodegraded, the plastic remained, albeit in much smaller bits.

And therein lies an important distinction: the meaning of the terms biodegradable and compostable. While a material can be labeled biodegradable (referring to the process whereby microorganisms cause decomposition and assimilation), it may not necessarily be compostable, the process by which material biodegrades to produce carbon dioxide, water and humus within a specified period of time. (This is what happens to organic waste that is processed in a municipal compost system or in your backyard composter.)

Confused? It gets worse. Beyond ‘biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’, today’s next generation of greener products may be labeled as oxo-biodegradeable, hydro-biodegradable, photo-biodegradable or water soluble, which speaks to the chemical process by which these materials break down.

The bottom line is, not all biodegradable plastics are created equal and there are a lot of misleading claims out there. Fortunately, you don’t need a chemistry degree to sort it all out.

Just look for the "Compostable Logo," designed by the New York City-based Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) and the U.S. Composting Council. It identifies products that meet industry standards to break down quickly and completely in a municipal compost facility.

A not-so-perfect solution

If you think that opting for "green" plastics on a day-to-day basis is a way of doing your part to help address our growing landfill problem, think again.

"When they [consumers] hear the term "biodegradable" they think that somehow things are going to magically disappear no matter what they do, ranging from littering to putting them in landfill," says Steve Mojo, executive director of BPI. "The reality is, none of that happens."

Why? Because landfills are essentially built to "entomb" waste, preventing exposure to air, moisture and sunlight. So even biodegradable waste won’t break down very much in a landfill (and the products that claim they will cite dependency on variables such as oxygen and microbial activity). That’s why newspapers found in landfills are still readable 35 years later.

"The notion of making plastic bags biodegradable and then sending them to landfill is really oxymoronic," says Mojo. Which is why consumers should look for compostable, not biodegradable products, he says. "By calling things ‘compostable’, you signal to the consumer that this is something you need to handle differently."

How to handle

"If you don’t have [access to] a commercial composting system, you might as well not bother" with biodegradable plastics, says Joanne Fedyk, executive director of the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council . "[Composting] is what [these products] are created to do and if you put them in the landfill, they won’t break down any more than plastic will."

Simply put, biodegradable products belong in the green bin, not the trash, and certainly not the blue box (biodegradable plastic and recycled plastic don’t mix).

But not all municipalities have access to commercial organic diversion programs yet. According to Statistics Canada, in 2006, 30 percent of Canadians composted kitchen waste via a curbside collection system (the figure was only slightly higher for yard waste, at 38 percent).

So dealing with our growing waste problem is less about plastic versus bioplastic and more about getting back to the basics.

"In order to minimize what you send to the landfill, you need to reduce, reuse, recycle and divert to compost," says Mojo.


These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#article


We improved our equipment, now it is closer to original ancient cold pressing technology. The Siberian pine nut oil has more healing power of nature, stronger natural smell and taste of wild harvested Siberian pine nuts.


* * * * *


Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 250ml
New Packaging

For the first time in eight years, we are offering our customers a unique opportunity to purchase premium quality Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, (better known in English speaking world as Siberian Pine Nut Oil), produced by the unique ancient technology of cold pressing, with a discount of up to 40%.

For a limited time only, retail customers receive the discount of up to 40% intended for the large wholesale customers!

In addition, because of numerous requests and remarks, we have developed for you a new, very convenient and reliable packaging; also, a large size package of 250 g and 500 g has been created for the entire family. Because of the fact that the word "cedar" in English-speaking countries refers to a tree that does not give edible nuts, which has elicited many questions and misunderstandings, we developed a new trade name, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL, which more exactly describes its product and provides a clear understanding of its contents.

Enjoy the traditionally best quality of our products in their new packaging, under the new trademark, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL!

Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has been producing cedar pine nut oil and delivering it to North America, Europe and over the world since 2002. Since 2005, it has been a leader in the production and sale of Siberian Pine Nut Oil. Dozens of scientific and clinical studies have been conducted with pine nut oil, a large number of articles have been written, and hundreds of positive testimonials have been received, which you can acquaint yourself with on our website.
The unique quality of our products is appreciated at its true value by tens of thousands of customers around the entire world, which is the highest praise to us.

Genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is intended for people who want to use quality and natural food products, which can provide only benefit for your health and the health of your family.

We made 100% natural and 100% pure genuine SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL.

Pine Nut Oil Press

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from the Siberian pine nuts, which is harvested in ecological pure zones of the Russian taiga, far from populated areas. In the virgin forest of the taiga, no one has ever used pesticides, toxic chemicals, or other fertilizers, agriculture is completely absent here. Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from organically (not certified) grown pine nuts.

The pine nut harvesters working at the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company collect the pine cones that have, by themselves, fallen to the earth. It is precisely these cones that contain the completely ripened nut, and only a completely ripened nut possesses medicinal powers.

The harvested cones are kept in storehouses located in the ecologically pure zones of the taiga, keeping temperature conditions at -5C to -20C. When transporting the pine nut, we use refrigerated containers, which also have special air filters. The research of specialists has demonstrated that one of the most important factors for the quality of the Siberian pine nut, and therefore the oil, is the quality of the surrounding air. Even the odor of smoke from a campfire or stove is absorbed by the nuts very quickly, and has a deleterious influence on the taste and medicinal qualities of the pine nut and the oil.

The cones are shelled (husked) by hand, using wooden boards of a husker (reminiscent of old washboards used for laundry).
Then, the nut is winnowed. This is done as follows: a large canvas sheet is spread out at a distance of 7 to 10 metres from the pile of nuts mixed with the "petals" of the cones, a wooden shovel is used to ladle out a portion of the nuts, and it is heaved onto the prepared canvas. All the debris, unripe, decayed, and empty nuts do not make it to the canvas, since they are lighter than the mature nuts.

The mature nut is shelled on special shellers made of wood.

We select by hand only the best kernels of the pine nut, which we will use to obtain genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.
It must be noted that only hand sorting of the pine nut can guarantee the high quality of the pine nut oil. Even one tiny rotten nut falling into the press will irremediably spoil the flavour and qualities of the pine nut oil.
We place the choice pine nut kernels, in small portions, into unique wooden presses and carry out the cold pressing of the pine nut. As a result, we obtain extra virgin, cold pressed, first press only genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.
The genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is poured into high-quality glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes, which protect the oil from light.
The ready products are stored in freezers at a temperature from -5C to -20C, which completely preserves the medicinal and flavour qualities of the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil for a long period of time.
We promote the preservation and increase the population of the Siberian pine.
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company causes no more harm than a gardener in an apple orchard gathering apples from the ground.
As has been noted in previous questions, when gathering the harvest, our employees collect only the cones that have fallen to the ground themselves (fallen fruit). In other words, we take only that which nature itself gives us. In this case, there cannot be any harm done.
On the other hand, the development of the pine nut harvest has forced the government to regard the Siberian pine in a new way; now it is not only valuable timber, but much more valuable the pine nuts and the pine nut oil. The government adopted a law respecting the protection of the Siberian pine in special zones, where the felling of the Siberian pine is prohibited; millions of hectares of the taiga have been set aside, and in these nature protection zones only the collection of pine nuts is permitted.
Moreover, the greater the growth of the commercial harvest of the pine nut, the more attention is paid to this issue by the Russian government, the nature protection zones of the Siberian pine are expanded, and penalties for unlawful cutting are made more severe.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 100ml
New Packaging

Also, increasingly more of the local population is becoming involved in the harvesting of pine nuts, which means that the welfare of the local inhabitants directly depends on the number of fruit-bearing Siberian pines (a pine begins to bear fruit at 120 to 200 years of age). For that reason, local inhabitants are coming to the defence of Siberian pine trees; they do not permit the cutting of mature, fruit-bearing trees, and display greater respect and attention for the pine tree.

It must be noted that, like a good gardener, the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company not only takes away, but also gives back to nature: only employees of our company have planted hundreds of Siberian pine seedlings. All these facts are evidence that the activity of the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company promotes the preservation and increase the population of the Siberian pine.

Goals and Mission Statement.

The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company was founded as a commercial project with the goal of financing the creation of Kin's Settlements consisting of Kin's Estates. A full 15% of the profit goes to financing the settlement The Hope, located in Tula Oblast, Russia.
In addition, the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has before it the clear goals of disseminating information related to the idea of Kin's Domains, folk medicine, and a healthy lifestyle. In relation to this, we sponsor the publication of the monthly newspaper The Earth, and carry out scientific research into issues related to a health way of life, and popular, natural remedies to improve human health.

How we form our prices.

The price for Siberian Pine Nut Oil is the fruit of our many years of work in optimizing the harvest of pine nuts, the production process, and the sale of genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil to the consumer.

We have eliminated all middlemen.
Our employees harvest the pine nuts themselves.
We produce the pine nut oil ourselves.
We ourselves, directly, sell Siberian Pine Nut Oil through our websites throughout the entire world.
We produce a unique Siberian Pine Nut Oil of the highest quality, and avoiding all middlemen, deliver it to you.

Seven reasons to buy the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil:

1. Price
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company offers prices directly from the producer. You do not pay middlemen.

2. Quality
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil company offers products of only the highest quality.
We use ancient technologies, which were applied 100, 200, or 300 years ago.
Pine nut kernels are sorted by hand, which completely eliminates rotten or moldy nut kernels from ending up in the oil.
We offer only fresh, premium quality, 100% natural, extra virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, cold pressed in wooden presses.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 500ml
New Packaging

3. Ecological safety
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company uses wild harvested pine nuts gathered only in ecologically pure regions of the taiga, far removed from populated areas.
We do not use genetically modified products, do not use nuts from Siberian pines grafted onto common pines, do not use colourants, flavourings, or other artificial ingredients.

4. Storage
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company stores pine nut oil only in freezers and refrigerators, which preserves all the wholesome properties of genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.

5. Safe shopping
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company uses a safe SSL certificate, which completely ensures that your personal and credit card information is safe and secure. Over the course of eight years, we have not had a single instance of the theft of personal or credit card information.

6. Insurance
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company buys insurance for its parcels from reliable delivery shipping companies, such as USPS, UPS, Canada Post, and DHL.

7. Delivery
The Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company has three warehouses in the USA, Canada, and Germany (Europe), and offers fast and affordable shipping worldwide with dependable shipping companies such as USPS, UPS, Canada Post, and DHL.

Do you produce pine nut oil in capsule form?
We do not produce Siberian Pine Nut Oil in capsules for the following reasons:
1) Additional technological effects on the oil. The oil is poured into a special machine, whose components consist entirely of metal, which oxidizes the oil, and the pine nut oil substantially loses its quality.
During packaging in gelatin capsules an additional temperature effect occurs, which substantially reduces the quality of the pine nut oil.

2) We care about our customers and our reputation. We are aware of many instances where unscrupulous producers have packaged expired pine nut oil or diluted pine nut oil in capsules.
The entire point is that when you swallow pine nut oil capsules, you experience neither the taste nor the aroma of the pine nut oil. In this case, all the producer must do is pack the capsules with a gold-colored oily liquid, no one will notice the substitution. Even if you bite into the capsule and realize that this is a poor-quality oil or a counterfeit, it will be difficult for you to be refunded your money, since you must prove that the oil in the capsules is not of high quality. But even if you are refunded your money, no one will refund your wasted time and effort, and it is you who will not obtain the expected therapeutic effect from the pine nut oil.

Purchasers familiar with the problem of counterfeit pine nut oil in capsules regard such offers with suspicion.
We advise you not to take needless risks, and obtain original Siberian Pine Nut Oil from PineNutOil.org.

Used by permission

Ringing Cedars of Russia Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry

"Our food should be medicine,
and our medicine should be food."
Abu-Ali ibn Sina Avicenna

The health of a woman and future mother is the most important aspect of modern medicine. In view of an unfavourable ecological situation, improper nutrition, and a stressful lifestyle, women increasingly more often encounter diseases caused by disruptions on the hormonal level. Diseases such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, cervical erosion, polycystosis, and mastopathy lead to sterility and, in some circumstances, also to carcinogenesis. In addition to all this, little activity and sitting in an office result in the congestion of blood in the small pelvis of women and therefore aggravate dysfunctions of the reproductive organs.

The most important means of preventive treatment for women's health is correct nutrition and a selection of products that assist in resisting the harmful influences of the environment. This is especially pressing for pregnant women. The nutritional products that enter a pregnant woman's body include the substances used to build the child's organism. Precisely these nutritional products provide the energy that enters the organism of the mother and fetus, energy that is essential to maintain their vital activity.

In our practice, my colleagues and I, first and foremost, recommend the use of quality Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia to women of any age.

For a very long time, cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry has been considered to be a delicacy, with its pleasant taste, golden amber colour, and wonderful nutty aroma. Its nutritional and medicinal properties are in great part explained by its qualitative composition of fats, proteins, and other substances. The fat of cedar nuts differs from other fats in its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil of the cedar nut under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark is the richest source of vitamins and trace elements, whose harmonious combination gives the oil medical properties that have no analogues in their beneficial influence on a woman's organism. The oil is an essential product that should be consumed in the food of people of all ages: in the food of children, for the development of their bodies; in the food of adults, for the preservation of their youth and health.

Pine Nut Sheller

Modern medicine considers cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark to be a storage battery of vitamins and biologically active substances ideally selected and balanced by nature itself. It does an excellent job of maintaining the health of the female genital organs and assists in the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy:

Vitamin A (carotene) -- has an influence on the mucous membrane of the uterus, promotes its regeneration--which is especially important in the postpartum period--and regulates the growth of the fetal organism during pregnancy.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) -- promotes the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, and is used to prevent the threat of an interruption of the pregnancy. Since it is an important catalyst of the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception, it intensifies the oxidation-reduction processes in the organism, participates in the formation of DNA, and promotes the processes of tissue regeneration (including the cells of the skin).

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) -- provides for the synthesis of collagen, participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and functioning of cartilage, bones, and teeth, and influences the formation of hemoglobin and the maturation of erythrocytes. The physiological level of ascorbic acid in the organism of a pregnant woman is of great importance for the normal development of the placenta, and also for increasing the organism's resistance to infections.

Vitamin D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol) -- participates in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, the process of the formation of the structure of bone tissue, and is used in obstetrical practice for the prophylaxis of rickets in the fetus.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) -- Vitamin E plays an indispensable role in all reproductive processes: the functioning of the sexual system, development of the fetus, the growth of the organism, and participates in the formation of milk in breastfeeding women. Its insufficiency leads to a disruption of the functions of the sexual organs, sometimes to the loss of the fetus and miscarriage.

Vitamin Bc (folic acid) -- participates in the metabolism of proteins, nucleic acids, and phospholipids; it plays an important role in the development of the embryo, especially in the period of brain formation, and stimulates hemopoiesis.

From my experience, I can say that cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark significantly improves the processes of healing in women with acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, and in patients in the postoperative period. In women who constantly have cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark in their food allowance, chronic inflammatory diseases become aggravated by one order of magnitude less. Cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark has received widespread use in the treatment of diseases of the neck of the uterus (in the form of tampons and applications).

In conclusion, I would like to say that cedar nut oil enriched with Rose Hip Berry under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark should be in the daily food allowance of every woman. This is an amazing and wholesome gift from nature, which is not only an exquisite delicacy, but also helps us to cope with the ailments we encounter on the road of life.

L. V. Sviridova
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Municipal Hospital No. 3
Municipal Health Care Facility

Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info


INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil (Cedar Nut Oil), 100% natural Rose Hip Oil.

Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.

One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Rose Hip Oil. Wildly harvested, 100% natural Rose Hip berry is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.

Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian Pine nut oil. Wild harvested Pine nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian Pine nut oil.

Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Rose Hip Oil extract under Siberian Pine Nut Oil brand name.


The rose hip and rose haw, is the pomaceous fruit of the rose plant, that typically is red-to-orange, but might be dark purple-to-black in some species. Contrary to the fairly common myth, rosehips are not poisonous.

Rose hips of some species, especially Rosa canina (Dog Rose) and R. majalis, have been used as a source of Vitamin C. Rose hips are commonly used as an herbal tea, often blended with hibiscus and as rose hip oil. They can also be used to make jam, jelly, marmalade and wine. Rose hip soup, "nyponsoppa," is especially popular in Sweden. Rhodomel, a type of mead, is made with rose hips.

Some species of rose are sometimes referred to as rose hip, including Rosa canina (dog rose), R. rubiginosa, and R. moschata (Musk-rose).

Health benefits

- Particularly high in Vitamin C, with about 1700-2000 mg per 100 g in the dried product, one of the richest plant sources.
- RP-HPLC assays of fresh rose hips and several commercially available products revealed a wide range of L-ascorbic acid content, ranging from 0.03 to 1.3%.
- Rose hips contain vitamins C, D and E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids.
- Rose hip powder is a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
- Rose hips from the dog rose have antioxidant values that far exceed other berries such as blueberries
- As an herbal remedy, rose hips are attributed with the ability to prevent urinary bladder infections, and assist in treating dizziness and headaches. Rose hips are also commonly used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.
- Brewed into a decoction, can also be used to treat constipation.
- Rose hip oil contains a lot of iron, so some women brew rose hip tea during menstruation to make up for the iron that they lose with menses.


Rose hips are used for herbal tea, jam, jelly, syrup, beverages, pies, bread, marmalade, and rose hip oil.

A few rose species are sometimes grown for the ornamental value of their hips, such as Rosa moyesii, which has prominent large red bottle-shaped fruits.

Rose hips have recently become popular as a healthy treat for pet chinchillas. Chinchillas are unable to manufacture their own Vitamin C, but lack the proper internal organs to process many vitamin-C rich foods. Rose Hip Oil provides a sugarless, safe way to increase the Vitamin C intake of chinchillas and guinea pigs.

Rose hips are also fed to horses. The dried and powdered form can be fed at a maximum of 1 tablespoon per day to improve coat condition and new hoof growth.

The fine hairs found inside rose hips are used as itching powder.

Roses are propagated from hips by removing the seeds from the aril (the outer coating) and sowing just beneath the surface of the soil. Placed in a cold frame or a greenhouse, the seeds take at least three months to germinate.

In World War II, the people of England gathered wild-grown rose hips and made a Vitamin C syrup for children. This was because German submarines were sinking many commercial ships: citrus fruits from the tropics were very difficult to import.

By indigenous people

Rose hips were used in many food preparations by the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Rose hips are used for colds and influenza. The Latin binomial for this herb is Rosa laevigata.

Source: Wikipedia


Makes: enough for 4 Prep. time: 20 min. Cook time: 5 min
Ingredients: 100g Pine Nuts ("Ringing Cedars") 4 cups shredded Cabbage 2 sweet Red Peppers, thinly sliced 2 Oranges, peeled, gartered, seeded 2 medium Red Onion, sliced thinly 1/2 cup chopped Parsley 1/2 cup chopped fresh Basil 1tbsp Orange Zest
Directions: In large bowl combine all ingredients, except Pine Nuts. Toss well. Add Avo-Mayonaise, Toss again. Sprinkle with Pine Nuts
Avo-mayonaise: 1-2tbsp Pine Nuts 1 Avocado 1-2 Garlic Cloves 1/2 tbsp Sea Salt 3/4 cup Lemon Juice 1/2 tbsp White or Red Pepper
Directions: Cut Avocado and put in blender with Lemon Juice. Blend until smooth. Add rest of ingredients and blend until smooth again. Put in salad or use as dip.


Makes: enough for 4
Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 10 min
Ingredients: 1-2 cups sprouted, mixed Beans and Lentils 2 stalks Celery. finely chopped 3/4 purple Onion, diced small 1/2 yellow, orange, or purple 100g "Ringing Cedars" Pine Nuts 1 Pepper, finely chopped 1/2 Red Pepper, finely chopped 1 Green Onion, finely chopped
Directions: Dice all above ingredients (except Pine Nuts) and mix together in a bowl. Add marinade below and set in fridge overnight to blend the flavors. Best served with Pine Nuts.
Dressing (Marinade): 3/4 cup Flaxseed Oil (you can use 1-2tbsp Pine Nut Oil) 1/2 tbsp pure Maple Syrup 1tbsp Celtic Sea Salt 2tbsp pure Maple Syrup 1tbsp organic Basil 1tbsp organic Thyme 1tbsp organic Oregano 1/2 Cayenne Pepper 1/4 cup Lemon Juice
Whisk all dressing ingredients together in a jar with a lid. Pour 1/2 of the marinade over the bean salad and let marinade in fridge overnight. Save the rest of the dressing for the next time.


Makes: enough for 4
Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 10 min
Ingredients: 1-2 cups sprouted, mixed Beans and Lentils. 2 stalks Celery. finely chopped. 3/4 purple Onion, diced small. 1/2 yellow, orange, or purple. 100g "Ringing Cedars" Pine Nuts. 1 Pepper, finely chopped. 1/2 Red Pepper, finely chopped. 1 Green Onion, finely chopped.
Directions: Dice all above ingredients (except Pine Nuts) and mix together in a bowl. Add marinade below and set in fridge overnight to blend the flavors. Best served with Pine Nuts.

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles



We improved our equipment, now it is closer to original ancient cold pressing technology. The Siberian pine nut oil has more healing power of nature, stronger natural smell and taste of wild harvested Siberian pine nuts.

For a limited time only we have lowered the prices on our extra virgin, cold pressed Siberian Pine Nut Oil!
Take advantage of our great promotions!

Limited Time Offer for retail orders.
Fixed low rate on any order! Free shipping after $147!  

USA - Fixed $5 rate for USPS Priority mail (1 to 3 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Canada – Fixed $5.9 rate for Expedited service (3 to 6 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Europe – No handling fee, low fixed rates are available: up to 100g = 6.57$, 100g+ = 8.01$, 500g+ = 9.84$, 1kg+ = 19.63, 2 kg+ = 20.8, 5rg+ = 26.92, 10kg+ = 39.15$, free shipping for orders on amount of $200! 
International orders (all other countries) – Low fixed rates are available: up to 0.5lb = 8.5$, 1lb+ = 8.7$, 1.5lb+ = $14.8, 2lb+ = $17.80, 2.5lb+ = $21, 3lb+ = $23.5. Maximum shipping charge for any order is $23.5!

These Promotions are available worldwide from the following warehouses: USA, Canada, Europe.


Estimated arrival - End of September 2010


Your healthy sleep for the entire night.

Qualities: Pine pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" has a distinct Pine nut smell, possesses antiseptic qualities, and is of a medium softness.

Uses: For the full benefit of a healthy sleep.

Consists of: Fabric - 100% flax. Content: dried, extremely thin layer that exists between the nut and the shell of a Pine nut. Fully natural and ecologically clean components.

Pine Pillow has a great history in ancient folk medicine. Healers believed that Pine has a variety of different benefits:
- Relieves nervous tension.
- Assists in deep relaxation.
- Assists in deep healthy sleep and rest.
- Assists in stress relief.
- Gives a feeling of morning freshness.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes blood and inner cranial pressure.
- Decreases pain in both head and neck areas.
- Pine ethers mobilize spiritual aspects of a Human being.

Pine pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" is a unique product which carries the purity and power of the Pine forest. It is made in consistence with ancient technologies. Supply is very limited. Pillow dimensions: 18.5'' x 24.5'' (45 x 60 cm). Box dimensions: 12.25'' x 5'' x 17.5'' (31 x 12.7 x 45 cm).

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Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 100ml

For the first time in eight years, we are offering our customers a unique opportunity to purchase premium quality Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, (better known in English speaking world as Siberian Pine Nut Oil), produced by the unique ancient technology of cold pressing, with a discount of up to 40%.
For a limited time only, retail customers receive the discount of up to 40% intended for the large wholesale customers!
In addition, because of numerous requests and remarks, we have developed for you a new, very convenient and reliable packaging; also, a large size package of 250 g and 500 g has been created for the entire family. Because of the fact that the word "cedar" in English-speaking countries refers to a tree that does not give edible nuts, which has elicited many questions and misunderstandings, we developed a new trade name, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL, which more exactly describes its product and provides a clear understanding of its contents.
Enjoy the traditionally best quality of our products in their new packaging, under the new trademark, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL!

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from the Siberian pine nuts, which is harvested in ecological pure zones of the Russian taiga, far from populated areas. In the virgin forest of the taiga, no one has ever used pesticides, toxic chemicals, or other fertilizers, agriculture is completely absent here. Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from organically (not certified) grown pine nuts.
The pine nut harvesters working at the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company collect the pine cones that have, by themselves, fallen to the earth. It is precisely these cones that contain the completely ripened nut, and only a completely ripened nut possesses medicinal powers.
The harvested cones are kept in storehouses located in the ecologically pure zones of the taiga, keeping temperature conditions at -5C to -20C. When transporting the pine nut, we use refrigerated containers, which also have special air filters. The research of specialists has demonstrated that one of the most important factors for the quality of the Siberian pine nut, and therefore the oil, is the quality of the surrounding air. Even the odor of smoke from a campfire or stove is absorbed by the nuts very quickly, and has a deleterious influence on the taste and medicinal qualities of the pine nut and the oil.
The cones are shelled (husked) by hand, using wooden boards of a husker (reminiscent of old washboards used for laundry).
Then, the nut is winnowed. This is done as follows: a large canvas sheet is spread out at a distance of 7 to 10 metres from the pile of nuts mixed with the "petals" of the cones, a wooden shovel is used to ladle out a portion of the nuts, and it is heaved onto the prepared canvas. All the debris, unripe, decayed, and empty nuts do not make it to the canvas, since they are lighter than the mature nuts.

We select by hand only the best kernels of the pine nut, which we will use to obtain genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.

It must be noted that only hand sorting of the pine nut can guarantee the high quality of the pine nut oil. Even one tiny rotten nut falling into the press will irremediably spoil the flavour and qualities of the pine nut oil.
We place the choice pine nut kernels, in small portions, into unique wooden presses and carry out the cold pressing of the pine nut. As a result, we obtain extra virgin, cold pressed, first press only genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.The genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is poured into high-quality glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes, which protect the oil from light.
The ready products are stored in freezers at a temperature from -5C to -20C, which completely preserves the medicinal and flavour qualities of the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil for a long period of time.

Genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is intended for people who want to use quality and natural food products, which can provide only benefit for your health and the health of your family.

Click here to go to our online store

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Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 250ml

For the first time in eight years, we are offering our customers a unique opportunity to purchase premium quality Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, (better known in English speaking world as Siberian Pine Nut Oil), produced by the unique ancient technology of cold pressing, with a discount of up to 40%.
For a limited time only, retail customers receive the discount of up to 40% intended for the large wholesale customers!
In addition, because of numerous requests and remarks, we have developed for you a new, very convenient and reliable packaging; also, a large size package of 250 g and 500 g has been created for the entire family. Because of the fact that the word "cedar" in English-speaking countries refers to a tree that does not give edible nuts, which has elicited many questions and misunderstandings, we developed a new trade name, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL, which more exactly describes its product and provides a clear understanding of its contents.
Enjoy the traditionally best quality of our products in their new packaging, under the new trademark, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL!

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from the Siberian pine nuts, which is harvested in ecological pure zones of the Russian taiga, far from populated areas. In the virgin forest of the taiga, no one has ever used pesticides, toxic chemicals, or other fertilizers, agriculture is completely absent here. Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from organically (not certified) grown pine nuts.
The pine nut harvesters working at the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company collect the pine cones that have, by themselves, fallen to the earth. It is precisely these cones that contain the completely ripened nut, and only a completely ripened nut possesses medicinal powers.
The harvested cones are kept in storehouses located in the ecologically pure zones of the taiga, keeping temperature conditions at -5C to -20C. When transporting the pine nut, we use refrigerated containers, which also have special air filters. The research of specialists has demonstrated that one of the most important factors for the quality of the Siberian pine nut, and therefore the oil, is the quality of the surrounding air. Even the odor of smoke from a campfire or stove is absorbed by the nuts very quickly, and has a deleterious influence on the taste and medicinal qualities of the pine nut and the oil.
The cones are shelled (husked) by hand, using wooden boards of a husker (reminiscent of old washboards used for laundry).
Then, the nut is winnowed. This is done as follows: a large canvas sheet is spread out at a distance of 7 to 10 metres from the pile of nuts mixed with the "petals" of the cones, a wooden shovel is used to ladle out a portion of the nuts, and it is heaved onto the prepared canvas. All the debris, unripe, decayed, and empty nuts do not make it to the canvas, since they are lighter than the mature nuts.

We select by hand only the best kernels of the pine nut, which we will use to obtain genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.

It must be noted that only hand sorting of the pine nut can guarantee the high quality of the pine nut oil. Even one tiny rotten nut falling into the press will irremediably spoil the flavour and qualities of the pine nut oil.
We place the choice pine nut kernels, in small portions, into unique wooden presses and carry out the cold pressing of the pine nut. As a result, we obtain extra virgin, cold pressed, first press only genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.The genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is poured into high-quality glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes, which protect the oil from light.
The ready products are stored in freezers at a temperature from -5C to -20C, which completely preserves the medicinal and flavour qualities of the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil for a long period of time.

Genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is intended for people who want to use quality and natural food products, which can provide only benefit for your health and the health of your family.

Click here to go to our online store

For more great articles go here

Siberian Pine Nut Oil - 500ml

For the first time in eight years, we are offering our customers a unique opportunity to purchase premium quality Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, (better known in English speaking world as Siberian Pine Nut Oil), produced by the unique ancient technology of cold pressing, with a discount of up to 40%.
For a limited time only, retail customers receive the discount of up to 40% intended for the large wholesale customers!
In addition, because of numerous requests and remarks, we have developed for you a new, very convenient and reliable packaging; also, a large size package of 250 g and 500 g has been created for the entire family. Because of the fact that the word "cedar" in English-speaking countries refers to a tree that does not give edible nuts, which has elicited many questions and misunderstandings, we developed a new trade name, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL, which more exactly describes its product and provides a clear understanding of its contents.
Enjoy the traditionally best quality of our products in their new packaging, under the new trademark, SIBERIAN PINE NUT OIL!

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from the Siberian pine nuts, which is harvested in ecological pure zones of the Russian taiga, far from populated areas. In the virgin forest of the taiga, no one has ever used pesticides, toxic chemicals, or other fertilizers, agriculture is completely absent here. Siberian Pine Nut Oil is obtained from organically (not certified) grown pine nuts.
The pine nut harvesters working at the Siberian Pine Nut Oil Company collect the pine cones that have, by themselves, fallen to the earth. It is precisely these cones that contain the completely ripened nut, and only a completely ripened nut possesses medicinal powers.
The harvested cones are kept in storehouses located in the ecologically pure zones of the taiga, keeping temperature conditions at -5C to -20C. When transporting the pine nut, we use refrigerated containers, which also have special air filters. The research of specialists has demonstrated that one of the most important factors for the quality of the Siberian pine nut, and therefore the oil, is the quality of the surrounding air. Even the odor of smoke from a campfire or stove is absorbed by the nuts very quickly, and has a deleterious influence on the taste and medicinal qualities of the pine nut and the oil.
The cones are shelled (husked) by hand, using wooden boards of a husker (reminiscent of old washboards used for laundry).
Then, the nut is winnowed. This is done as follows: a large canvas sheet is spread out at a distance of 7 to 10 metres from the pile of nuts mixed with the "petals" of the cones, a wooden shovel is used to ladle out a portion of the nuts, and it is heaved onto the prepared canvas. All the debris, unripe, decayed, and empty nuts do not make it to the canvas, since they are lighter than the mature nuts.

We select by hand only the best kernels of the pine nut, which we will use to obtain genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.

It must be noted that only hand sorting of the pine nut can guarantee the high quality of the pine nut oil. Even one tiny rotten nut falling into the press will irremediably spoil the flavour and qualities of the pine nut oil.
We place the choice pine nut kernels, in small portions, into unique wooden presses and carry out the cold pressing of the pine nut. As a result, we obtain extra virgin, cold pressed, first press only genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil.The genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is poured into high-quality glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes, which protect the oil from light.
The ready products are stored in freezers at a temperature from -5C to -20C, which completely preserves the medicinal and flavour qualities of the genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil for a long period of time.

Genuine Siberian Pine Nut Oil is intended for people who want to use quality and natural food products, which can provide only benefit for your health and the health of your family.

Click here to go to our online store

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Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Whole Rose Hip - "Buy 3 get 1 free!"

SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Currently we are offering you a great promotional discount "Buy 3 get 1 free!" of "Siberian Pine Nut Oil with Whole Rosehip" 100g. packaging. Please go to our store for more information.

The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.

In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.


1. Q: Is it Pine Nut Oil?

A: This is 100% natural Pine Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Rose Hip berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Rose Hip berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.

2. Q: How the extract is made?

A: Rose Hip berries are inserted in the Pine Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.

3. Q: What are Rose Hip berries beneficial for?

A: Rose Hip is particularly high in Vitamine C, it also contains Vitamins D and E. It is powerful antioxidant and is great for bones and joints.

The Rose Hip berries are also beneficial for:

  • colds and influenza
  • urinary bladder infections
  • dizziness and headaches

5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?

A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.

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Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Sea Buckthorn

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn Berry.

The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.

In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.


1. Q: Is it Pine Nut Oil?

A: This is 100% natural Pine Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Sea Buckthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Sea Buckthorn vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.

2. Q: How the extract is made?

A: Sea Buckthorn berries are inserted in the Pine Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.

3. Q: What are Sea Buckthorn berries beneficial for?

A: Sea Buckthorn berry has a very pleasant mild taste, it is known to calm the nerves, and is very good for the skin if used topically and internally and is great antioxidant.

The Sea Buckthorn is also beneficial for:

  • diseases of mucous membranes
  • aphthous ulcers
  • esophagitis
  • acid reflux
  • dermatological diseases and skin conditions

6. Q: Where were your Sea Buckthorn berries grown?

A: The Sea Buckthorn berries that we use for extract grow in Siberia - one of the pures and ecologically cleanest area in the world. They are wild harverted. The Sea Buckthorn berries of Russia contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in the world, becuase the plants were cultivated with the aim to increase vitamins and minerals in berries, as opposes to Chinese and Canadian Sea Buckthorn, which were cultivated to raise the quantity of berries.

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Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Pine Resin

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Cedar Resin.

The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.

In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.


1. Q: Is it Pine Nut Oil?

A: This is 100% natural Pine Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Pine Resin. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Pine Resin vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.

2. Q: How the extract is made?

A: Pine Resin is inserted in the Pine Nut Oil and is kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the Resin. Its another name is Turpentine balsam.

3. Q: What is Cedar Resin Extract beneficial for?

A: Cedar Resin Extract has a lot of energy, it is a perfect anticeptic, strengthens the immune system and it's great for skin. It promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. Resin Extract is great for infections, viral diseases, colds, soar throats.

The Cedar Resin Extract is also beneficial for:

  • all types of catarrhal diseases
  • bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • cardiovascular and endocrine diseases
  • skin and stomatological diseases
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • diseases of the locomotor system

5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?

A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.

Click here to go to our online store

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Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Whole Rose Hip

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Rose Hip Berry.

The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.

In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.


1. Q: Is it Pine Nut Oil?

A: This is 100% natural Pine Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Rose Hip berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Rose Hip berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.

2. Q: How the extract is made?

A: Rose Hip berries are inserted in the Pine Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.

3. Q: What are Rose Hip berries beneficial for?

A: Rose Hip is particularly high in Vitamine C, it also contains Vitamins D and E. It is powerful antioxidant and is great for bones and joints.

The Rose Hip berries are also beneficial for:

  • colds and influenza
  • urinary bladder infections
  • dizziness and headaches

5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?

A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.

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Pine Nut Oil Enriched with Hawthorn Berry

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Hawthorn Berry.

The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.

In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.


1. Q: Is it Pine Nut Oil?

A: This is 100% natural Pine Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Hawthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Hawthorm berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.

2. Q: How the extract is made?

A: Hawthorn berries are inserted in the Pine Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.

3. Q: What are Hawthorn berries beneficial for?

A: Hawthorn Berry strengthens the heart, helps restore blood pressure to nominal levels, and is good for the blood. Hawthorn berry is also good for digestive problems.

5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?

A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.

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Canada, Alberta



Tel: 403-938-0042

Canada, British Columbia


770 Spruce Ave., Victoria


Tel: 250-370-1818

Buena Vista, CO

Alternative Choices Wellness Center, 411 E MAIN ST, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211, USA

Alternative Choices Wellness Center, providing holistic healthcare from different practitioners. Karen Lacy the owner offers QNRT (Quantum Neurological Reset Therapy), Allergy Reduction Conductive Laser Therapy, Bio-Energetic Bodyscanning, Anti-gravity Field Balancing, Ionic Footbaths. We carry the Ringing Cedars of Russia products.

Call us at 719-239-2007


Andrej Gjurec, Sveti Jurij 15b, Rogasovci, 9262, Slovenia

Tel: +368 41 817 339

Thunder Bay, ON

International House of Tea, 899 Fort William Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7B3A6, Canada

e-mail: info@internationalhouseoftea.com

For a full list of our distributors please click here.


I have read 6 of the Ringing cedar Books and about to began book 7  It has stirred my soul. Thank you so much for the books and for the Cedar Oil Products. Thank you again

Pat Norris

* * *

Dear Vladimir,

Being a spiritual person I totally resonated with this book.  I am in awe of what Anastasia has told you and had great feelings of peace when reading the book.  I am a Reiki Master myself with various other teachings as well as the dreaded Entrepreneur, which she describes aptly in her teachings.  After starting the first book I found I needed to rest after each chapter as I needed to digest each chapter and embrace it.

I feel drawn to Russia and Anastasia, however I presume everybody does and that would not be fair to her.  I had started writing a book 8 years ago and after reading your book have found the heart to complete mine.

Thanks To You, Anastasia and your book ...
Tina De Bruyn

* * *

I am so excited about Anastasia and all the wonderful information that I am learning from the books.  I already feel changes in myself and have started looking at life through new eyes.

Rita Jansen


Want to know more about our products and books,I want to share this idea with my friends,if possible,I want to become an independent distributor.please give me further information.

Haironizam Mohd


* * *

I want everything you are offering NOW!!!
The excitement is rising......I can take it!!!
Love what you are doing.  Soon I will be a part of it all.....
Love and purity of  intentions to all,

Barbara Tisi

* * *

Thanks for all your wonderful products.

Marc Streich


I am interested in being a distributor

Julie J.

* * *


I am impressed with how quick my order got here! Thanks for the prompt delivery.
I look forward to telling all my friends about your companyas well as purchasing more products in the future from you.


Valorie Vogel

www.PineNutOil.org contact information.

All services are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year!

www.PineNutOil.org currently has three regional warehouses in Europe, USA and Canada. Our Customer Service department is available to serve you 24 hour a day, 7 days a week including ordering by phone and inquiry assistance. Ringing Cedars of Russia Customer Service Representatives respond to our customers on a timely basis with accurate information. We work hard everyday to improve our customer service to the level of satisfaction our customers deserve and have come to expect. Personalized attention is what we provide. Understanding your questions and solving any problems as quickly as possible is of great importance to us. Our customer service department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Please feel free to contact us in the manner in which you are most comfortable. We will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible.
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1Mailing Address USA
130 Church Street Suit 366
New York, NY

Customer service and orders
Tel: 646 - 429 - 1985
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(Toll free within US)
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Tel/Fax: +1 - 646 - 429 - 1985

1Mailing Address CANADA
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Toronto, ON

Customer service and orders
Tel: 416 - 994 - 6495
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(Toll free within Canada)
sales - can@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
customerservice - can@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
Outside Canada:
Tel/Fax: +1 - 416 - 994 - 6495

Mailing Address EUROPE - WIDE
Maybach Str.16

Customer service and orders
Tel: +44 - (0)870 - 068 - 9694
sales - eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
customerservice - eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org

1Customer service in ENGLAND
Free Phone: 0800 - 027 - 0874
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Fax: 0870 - 068 - 9693
sales - uk@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
customerservice - uk@ringingcedarsofrussia.org

Outside UK:
Tel/Fax: +44 - (0)870 - 068 - 9694

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For distributors



History of Aromatherapy

For millenniums humanity has been discovering mysterious properties of plants. Knowledge obtained through experiments and researches and its systematization resulted in a new science - Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is an art of healing by means of plant aromas. Aromatherapy emerged long before it was thought as a science. Have you noticed how easily you breathe when you are walking in a forest? How nice it is to feel piny wood scent and redolence of green pine needles and resin! This is a natural aromatherapy.

According to the first manuscripts with fragrance recipes aromatherapy has been used for 6000 years! In Egypt the use of aromatherapy is confirmed by earthenware tablets that described embalming process by means of aromatics.

Ancient people perfectly understood aromatic and therapeutic properties of plants. Contemporary civilization just begins to uncover the value of aromatherapy hidden treasures.

In the ancient times aromatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties of essential-oil plants were known and widely used from Babylon and Persia to India and China. In the old medical texts of these countries, written around 3000 years ago, many herbs and their utilization were described. Plants whose aromas were able to impact on consciousness were burned during religious ceremonies.

The resins that were used for incense were highly therapeutic; they influenced on respiratory system and immersed priests into meditative state. Egyptians applied fragrances from perfumery and cosmetics to medicine and mummification. Some perfume jars still smell with fragrance that was kept there 3200 years ago. Also Egyptians used aromas for skin care, washing clothes, added them into vine and food. Frankincense oil used to be burned in honor of Egyptian God Ra, it also was a great component in skin care recipes. Cedar and Myrrh oils were used for embalming. As it turned out essential oils of cedar and myrrh contained elements with strong prophylactic and antiseptic properties, which allowed mummies be preserved for a very long time. Egyptians acquired a reputation of perfume experts; however, they were not familiar with essential oil extraction methods and used only infusions and ointments.

Greeks continued researches in aromatherapy. They found new uses for essential oils in medicine. Ancient thinker and pharmacologist Pedanius Dioscorides wrote a book about healing with herbs "De Materia Medica". This book had been very popular in Europe for 12 centuries. Many recipes offered in this book are still useful today. Another Greek physician Hippocrates - the founder of contemporary scientific medicine composed a work where 236 plants and their medical use were described. Reflecting Greek philosophy of his time, Hippocrates approached patient as a unified whole and as a part of nature. He believed that plants contain medical elements in optimal combination and thus they heal better when unprocessed or as natural juices.

Romans based their knowledge on Greeks' aromatherapy achievements. Their innovation was in bringing aromatic plants and ingredients from Aravia and Eastern India. With new plants more deceases could be cured. Romans paid a lot of attention to the aromatic properties of plants. In antique Rome and Greece perfumery with floral scents was booming, the essential oils were widely used in steam baths as a daily ritual. Many Greek doctors served in Roman army and carried their aromatherapy knowledge through different countries. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that essential oils were given to people by Olympus Gods as a means of supreme light, awakening love.

After the collapse of Roman Empire, Arabic perfumers improved aromatherapy knowledge. They were the first who applied steam distillation for extracting essential oil from rose petals. This invention is believed to belong to Avicenna, philosopher and a physician of Middle East. He described more than 800 medical means that were mostly of botanical origin. In his book "The Canon of Medicine" he described steam distillation method which is used nowadays as well.

European aromatherapy was developing in medieval times. During crusades Arabic fragrances were spread over entire Europe. Plant's medical properties were intensively studied at the times of pestilence spread. Branches of lavender and cypress were burned on the streets. It was the only protection against Black Death that people knew.

In the ninetieth century with the development of synthetic pharmacology the importance of aromatherapy began to decrease. However, when it was noticed that synthetic products caused multiple complications the interest in aromatherapy arose again.

In 1930, French scientist-chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse put into practice a term of Aromatherapy. His family owned a perfumery fabric, and, according to the legend, Maurice, working in a laboratory, burned his hand badly. By reflex, he dipped his hand into lavender oil that was standing by. Later he was so amazed watching mystical recovery and disappearance of scars on his hand. As a result he dedicated his live to researches about essential oil cosmetic and dermatological properties.

French physician Jean Valnet significantly expanded uses of aromatherapy. He was using essential oils for disinfection of wounds and for internal organs spasms relieving. In 1964 he published a book "Practice of Aromatherapy" triggering the aromatherapy practice in Europe. Homeopathic clinics, practicing aromatherapy were build in Paris, Sveden and England where obvious rejuvenation properties of essential oils were studied.

Contemporary aromatherapy is first of all a prophylactic and healthful method of maintaining good psycho-emotional and physical fitness. It is a therapy that relieves everyday stress and prevents development of infirmity. In Canada, US, Europe and Japan thousands of aromatherapy clinics operate, aromatherapy books are published and scientific laboratories are working, continuing the tradition of aromatherapy use.

With the growing popularity of aromatherapy many people get familiarized with therapeutic properties of essential oils and start using them at home on a daily basis.

On the current market the world leading Essential Oil company is Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living's line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and essential oil blends are sourced from the world's finest plants. They are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity. This commitment to purity makes Young Living products the world's highest-quality essential oil line.

Part of the proceeds go to the creation of an Eco-Village.

Used by permission
Copyright http://www.youngliving.pro/

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles


Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,

Address: 83 Cassilis St Coonabarabran NSW Australia Phone number: 0268424778
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Vedruss Kins Oasis
User classifieds ad:
Calling Vedruss! A Kin's Village is called into being in Coonabarabran, Australia. If you feel called to participate, please email Radha or Chris for more details - capricorndancerlive.com.au


The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!

Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near and far.

Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!

To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!

The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.

More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.

We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!


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Wishing you and your family health and prosperity,


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