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Ringing Cedars. Cedar Forest

From time immemorial, people have spoken of the Tree of the World, whose roots fasten the earth and are washed by the holy waters of the world beyond the grave, whose trunk is encircled by the snake, the symbol of the helical movement of energy, and whose crown extends into the Cosmos... For the Sumerians, the oldest of the civilizations we presently know, this was the cedar.

...the Earth Mother said to the Creator: "The sparks of the Fire of Your Spirit can offer salvation, but who will be the one to collect them and keep them safe until needed?" The Creator answered: "The trees and the grass will preserve My sparks, but when the sparks fall, then let the Cedar and his sisters preserve their receivers of Fire for the entire year..."


The cedar was considered to be the Holy Tree of Life among that most ancient civilization, the Sumerians, a mysterious civilization now lost to the ages that gave life to the entire modern world. The bearers of the secret, sacred Knowledge of Sumer believed that the cedar, a symbol of power, greatness, and immortality, was created by God as the storage chest of the energy of the Cosmos on earth. And for that reason it was given the holy right to have its own names depending on its place of growth and its purpose - religious, medicinal, for construction, and even as a standard, a measure of exchange much more valuable than gold. All this is confirmed by clay tablets seven thousand years old found in archeological excavations of the ancient kingdom of Sumer.

The head of the Sumerian pantheon, the god Ea, who symbolizes cleansing water, was considered to be the patron of the cedar. Ea was the source of unattainable, hidden wisdom and secret knowledge that he could grant to a worthy person. And the most important thing he gave to people was Life. All precious metals belonged to him, he was considered to be the patron of blacksmiths, trades, culture, art, and science. The Cedar is much the same - together with Ea it personifies beauty (water in the conception of the Sumerians was something majestically beautiful), stability, immortality (some ancient cedars reach an age of 2000 years), health (that is, life), strength, prosperity (the development of culture, the arts, and science), divine pride and grandeur. Demand for the cedar in the Ancient World was so great that the most ancient Epic of Gilgamesh mentions a monster who protected a cedar grove from incursions by outsiders. The tradition of the divine cedar of Sumer was subsequently assimilated by other nations as well.

The wooden details of the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen (1356–1350 BC) as well as numerous religious articles from his tomb were made of cedar. And although the age of these finds exceeds three thousand years, they are in remarkably wonderful condition, not only has the structure of the wood been preserved, but also its subtle, tender odor. In Ancient Egypt, cedar resin was one of the main components of the balsams used for mummification. Thanks to cedar essential oil, priceless papyruses of the Egyptians have been preserved to the present day.

The Phoenicians built galleys of cedar, cedar was in great demand among the Assyrians as well. A fleet of cedar was also built by the legendary biblical King Solomon, who constructed. also entirely from cedar, the Temple at Jerusalem and his enormous imperial court, giving away twenty cities in exchange for this precious material. Gopher wood, from which Noah built his ark, was a cedar that grows on the Bahrain Islands.


Ringing Cedars. Cedar Amulet Flower of Sun

Trees may justly be called special reservoirs of energy. The result of photosynthesis in the green portions of plants is the formation of carbohydrates, rich in energy, and the release of oxygen. Plants trap the energy of the sun and cosmos, transform it, and thereby provide for life on the planet.

Ringing Cedars. Cedar Amulet Flower of Sun

Modern biologists have confirmed the ancient idea: the cedar has a soul. This amazing tree has the same biological rhythms as people. The cedar displays its activity not at precisely defined times, as do other trees, but depending on external circumstances. For example, on overcast days in the summer, it "wakes up" at 10:00 a.m., while on bright days it awakens with the dawn; there is a pause in its activity from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. In the evening, the cedar is "active" until 11:00 p.m., and then "falls asleep" for the night. In the winter its life cycles are not suspended, as with other trees, it remains awake, but only "sleeps" much longer.


The curative properties of cedars have been known to medicine from the earliest times. Even the Sumerians used extracts, broths of cedar needles, as compresses and poultices. Modern scientific medicine, just as many more ancient teachings regarding health - Eastern, Tibetan, Vedic - confirm the great medicinal properties of the cedar. Literally everything in it - from its green needles to pieces of bark - is of benefit to people and the entire environment. Berries and all plants growing in cedar forests are richer in vitamins and provitamins than those growing in other forests. This can be explained by the fact that the bactericides and fungicides of the cedar actively contribute to the formation in plants and fruits of vitamins and other biologically active substances. Bactericides and fungicides have a beneficial effect on people as well, first and foremost on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and respiratory organs.

Ringing Cedars. Cedar Amulet Yin-Yang

The bactericidal and fungicidal properties of the cedar are amazing: the air in a cedar forest is practically free of pathogenic microbes. Over a twenty-four hour period, a hectare of these coniferous giants emits more than 30 kg of airborne organic substances, which have an immense bactericidal strength. In the opinion of researchers, this quantity of bactericides and fungicides is sufficient to render all the pathogenic microbes in a large city harmless. In the interaction of the cedar's bactericides and fungicides with ozone (O 3 ), the ozone molecules are activated, and their energy increases threefold in comparison with a normal molecule of oxygen. Thus, ozonides (O 3 -), which possess great bactericidal and medicinal properties, are continually formed in the air of cedar forests. In addition, the cedar's bactericides and fungicides increase the air's content of light negative ions, exerting a regulating influence on living cells and tissues, and making harmonious connections with all processes occurring both in the human organism as a whole, as well as each individual cell. Even among ancient medical practices (Eastern, Tibetan, Vedic), natural Siberian cedar essential oil was known as an effective remedy in bronchitis and infections of the urogenital system.


Ringing Cedars. Cedar Amulet Soulmates

L. A. Shchennikov, a well-known physician and professor, while striving to grasp the secret of longevity and healing persons from diseases, turned to the Bible, attempting to understand first and foremost the meaning of the letters inscribed therein. His conjectures about the method of regenerating a living cell encoded in the Bible were confirmed and later developed into a discovery. Based on the word post , the Russian word for "fasting," the professor compiled an "Alphabet of Self-Knowledge," deciphering this word as "continuing the movement of the birth force." According to the interpreter proposed by the professor, "cedar" is "the root of the new marvel of birth."

Vozrozhdenie [Revival] Foundation
Prague 2006
Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

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Customer Reviews:

I received my pendant a few days ago now and from the first night wearing it i could feel lighter in my body, no stress, no heaviness. It was also easier to access loving energy whereas before i used to have to meditate to feel *whole*. With treating pain, i didn't feel like it took it completely away, though i felt a *fighting feeling* going on, like it was trying to diminish the pain, which in that took most of it away.
I feel naked without wearing the pendant now, i never take it off..
Thank you so much for making these available to the world :)


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I would just like to comment on the cedar pendant which I have been wearing for a month and a half. There is definitely a positive change in my life, both in personal and health. I wear it all the time and sleep with it in the night. I've bought many of them as gifts for friends and family. They are also very pleased with the pendants.

Chamile H, Australia

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I love the pendant. It is beautiful and energetically quite unique. I just came back from a consultation with Premiere Research Labs out here in Arizona and I had it muscle tested. It has produced some of the most bizarrely high vibe energetic fields when added to the biofield of the human body, and it just does not compare to other devices and/or natural substances sharing similar energetic imprints. I am deeply grateful. Thank you so very much!

Perry Englebert

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The first time I wore the pendant, I immediately felt some kind of energy surrounding me, it was warm and extremely pleasant. I felt so calm and relaxed, and actually the whole day I was extremely energetic. It is also my lucky charm, maybe a coincidence, but next day after I put it on I received a job promotion!

Katherine Fellis, CA, USA

My sister gave me a cedar pendant 2 years ago. I've worn it every day and have been polishing it with my fingers. People have been showing more and more interest in it and don't believe that the shine and polish has come from the oils on my finger tips alone! They are amazed at the beauty of the design and the fact that it's simply the natural rings presented from the simple cut. I can't wait for the colours to start coming out as it just gets more beautiful all the time.

Michelle,Quebec, Canada

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Cedar Resin:
Unique Balsam

Resin Extract - 5%, 10% and 20% extracts available

This unique balsam effectively copes with the majority of gastrointestinal diseases, quickly heals wounds and sores, aids in cases of colds, calms the heart and nerves, and increases vitality. It is a wonderful product for skin care.

Composition: "Cedar nut oil enriched with Resin". There are 5%, 10%, 20% extracts. As higher the extract percent as more powerful the balsam is.

Indications for use: diseases of the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and locomotor system, and bronchopulmonary diseases.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

"Siberian Cleanse"

This unique system for the restoration of the body was imparted to a woman by a female Siberian shaman many years ago. She said, "If you do this every year, you will never grow old." To what extent this is true is complicated for us to judge at the present. But we can tell you what happens in the human body when resin is ingested.

Over the course of your life you have most probably been on some fashionable diets or specialized cleanses. And you know very well that this was "not your thing"! To do this, you need both the appropriate mood and desire. But what do you do when the mood is not there? Can a method of cleansing be used to achieve the advertised result without any strain? You will probably laugh, but such a method exists, and it is provided by this very same cedar resin balsam.

The "Siberian cleanse" is very simple and, unlike other cleanses, does not cause stressful situations for the body. Gently and slowly, including the process of cleansing and improvement on the cellular level, a person's chromosomal chain begins to be restored! Such a deep effect is rarely achieved with the use of complicated special homeopathic systems of healing.

When you begin to drink cedar resin extract, your immunity increases, since resin is a most powerful antiseptic. The blood shows an increase in the content of phagocytes, which destroy viruses, parasites, and foreign pathogens. The result is the release of the energy potential that previously protected the life of these bacteria and parasites. All the glands and organs of our body begin to work more intensively and more effectively.

wooden cedar nut oil press

Further, the cells of all the body's tissues begin to regenerate, that is, there is a cleansing of all the old material (residue) that the cells could not get rid of earlier. At this moment, the exacerbation of some "old" internal disease is possible. For that reason, in this situation you need to get a sense of yourself: if you begin to feel extremely unwell, then the cleanse must be stopped and begun anew after a couple of months. The second time, the cleanse will proceed much more easily. During the cleanse, there will be a cleansing of the liver and blood vessels, which become more elastic, as a result of which for many people the self-regulation of blood pressure will be restored. There is a complete recovery from cholecystitis, colitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, gastritis, and ulcers of the stomach and intestine, the microflora of the intestine is restored, and regulation of the metabolism occurs. The general tonus increases, and the person's energy becomes greater.

The sole condition for the effectiveness of the "Siberian cleanse" is this: it is essential to consume more fresh food of plant origin and to lower, preferably to omit entirely the consumption of food from slaughtered animals. When discarding residues, cells should instead receive healthy and pure materials for their renewal and new development. And then, with the aim of the complete improvement of the body, you are entirely able to tolerate two months without the consumption of meat. Whether you allow your body to continue to suffer all depends on how much you truly love yourself.


The first day, early in the morning on an empty stomach, take 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of cedar resin, following which you must not eat or drink for 30 minutes. If you cannot tolerate the bitter taste, you can take it with water. Over the course of ten days, increase the quantity of cedar resin to 15 grams (1 tablespoon) as follows: during the first three days take 5 grams daily, during the second three days take 10 grams (2 teaspoons) daily, and during the remaining four days take 15 grams each morning 30 minutes before eating.

During the next 10 days, take 1 tablespoon of cedar resin with cedar nut oil in the morning 30 minutes before eating, and 1 tablespoon at lunchtime, 30 minutes before eating. During the following 10 days, take 1 tablespoon of cedar resin with cedar nut oil in the morning 30 minutes before eating, 1 tablespoon at lunchtime, 30 minutes before eating, and 1 tablespoon at suppertime, 30 minutes before eating.

After thirty days, the first half of the course of treatment has been completed. During the next thirty days, take cedar resin with cedar nut oil, reducing the dose. In the first ten days of the second half of the course of treatment, take 2 tablespoons of cedar resin with cedar nut oil per day, 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon at lunchtime. In the next ten days take 1 tablespoon of cedar resin with cedar nut oil in the morning 30 minutes before eating.

During the final ten days, for four days take 1 tablespoon of cedar resin with cedar nut oil in the morning 30 minutes before eating, in the next three days take 2 teaspoons in the morning 30 minutes before eating, and during the final three days take 1 teaspoon in the morning 30 minutes before eating.

In total, the course of treatment is 60 days in duration. The dosage is calculated for a person of average build.

In order to consolidate the results, the course of treatment may be repeated in two months. It is recommended to take the treatment twice a year, in the autumn and spring.

Baths and Soaks

bath with resin oil

Haven't you ever wondered why Russian beauties are always so ravishing and amazing? You see, this is all because their grandmothers and grandfathers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers constantly bathed in rivers and lakes that contained all the dissolved substances that were beneficial for their health and beauty: minerals brought by springs from secret caves; rains that bring ozone and free oxygen from the upper layers of the atmosphere; pollen, petals, and flowerheads that fall into the water from an infinite number of various flowers and plants; and the fruit, leaves, branches, and trunks of mighty trees, which have absorbed an enormous quantity of energy over many years.

Today, nothing prevents us from arranging, even on a daily basis, exactly the same type of bathing for ourselves, for our loved one, and from the bath obtaining an unbelievable return in energy, the strength that good health brings, and a ton of delightful pleasure when your body begins to transform itself into a song of amazing beauty....

Run a full bath of warm water (38-40C). Add 15-30 grams (2 tablespoons) of cedar resin balsam. Mix it throughout the water, and immerse your divine body into this artificial cedar lake. If you feel a chill, make the water warmer, but do not get carried away -- the bath should be pleasant and comfortable, but not hot. The most important thing is that you should not be cold. If for some reason you cannot take a bath, you can make a bath like this only for your legs. Only in this case, it is essential to make the water cooler, 34-35C. Nothing prevents you from using other salts or herbs together with the cedar resin balsam. This will only intensify the effect.

When preparing a steam bath for the face, add 1 tablespoon of cedar resin balsam to the hot water. Cover your head with a thick towel and take the bath for 5 to 7 minutes. Be sure to close your eyes!

A bath has a wonderful therapeutic effect in insomnia, increased nervous excitability, as well as in skin diseases, abscesses, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, acute respiratory diseases, asthma, and lung diseases. A bath tones and strengthens the heart and nervous system, assists in the restoration of strength in recovering patients. A bath can also be used by healthy people as a means of maintaining their forces.

Facial Skin Care
Creme Balms with addition of Cedar Nut Oil

Siberian Cedar Resin

Cedar nut oil prevents the loss of moisture by the skin and strengthens the natural lipid barrier. Resin accelerates and restores the function of intercellular interaction and accelerates cellular metabolism tenfold. Both of these cedar components are perfectly absorbed by the skin, do not provoke allergic reactions, and because of this, cedar resin balsam may be used by children and people with sensitive skin. Balsam supplies the skin with energy, the life force, and "building blocks" in the form of vitamins. The skin is restored and becomes smooth, soft, supple, and pleasant to the touch. And the face acquires a tender, natural blush.

By the way, for your information: for many who dream of an instantaneous result from these preparations or others, cedar resin balsam provides an effect in the form of a pleasant warmth practically immediately, and the feeling of having a "new face" after even two to three procedures! And note, completely naturally -- without chemicals or any other artificial garbage!

Cedar balsam is also very simple to use: it is sufficient to wash your face well and, with circular movements, rub several drops of cedar resin into the skin until it is fully absorbed. This procedure may be done in the evening, for the night. What is even better is in the morning, to provide your skin with natural protection for the entire day!

Once a week, on Saturday, for example, a mask may be done for the face: take a handful of peeled cedar nuts, grind them to the consistency of a paste, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of cedar resin balsam and mix. Using circular motions, place a small quantity on your face and let it dry for 4 to 5 minutes, wipe it off with a tissue and rinse your face by splashing water on it (from 30 to 50 times). If you do not have cedar nuts on hand, then cedar resin balsam should be applied to clean skin according to the standard cosmetic routine in the form of warm oil compresses on the area of the neck and face for 5 to 7 minutes, two to three times a week. Even after two to three procedures you will feel the effect from the application of the cedar balsam.

Delicate and Seductive Lips

The lips are one of the most expressive features of the face. Velvety lips emphasize the uniqueness of a smile and the enigmatic nature of a look. The lips are extremely sensitive, thanks to their great number of nerve endings. They have no sebaceous glands or melanin, and the epidermis in the tissues of the lips is extremely thin, and has an incomplete set of layers. For these reasons, the lips have always been noted for their particular dryness and the pigmentation that is unusual for skin. Lips are vulnerable to seasonal changes in the weather, they are subject to a great deal of wear and tear in daily life: they actively participate in conversations and in the processes of eating and drinking. For lips to remain young, smooth, and glistening, they must be cared for daily.

Each day, using a soft, moistened toothbrush, massage your lips with circular motions for a minute. This will increase their elasticity, and will also help to remove dried particles. Then rub 1 to 2 drops of cedar resin balsam into your lips. Once a week, apply a layer of a mixture of honey with cedar resin balsam (1:1) to your lips, and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then the mixture may be either washed off with water, or simply "eaten," since honey and cedar resin is very good for the health. Rich in vitamins A and E, cedar resin balsam prevents peeling and the appearance of fine cracks in the lips, spares them from the "chewed areas" in the corners of the mouth. In moistening the lips, balsam makes them soft, natural, and attractive. Cedar resin does not present an obstacle for esthetic cosmetics. It is fully absorbed into the lips over 5 to 10 minutes, and you can freely apply lipstick, it will not smear and will not begin to run.

D. Fedorov Ph. D.
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Novosibirsk, Russia

Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info

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Customer Reviews:

I've been taking pine nut oil with 20% resin over the period of 2 months because of my stomach problems,gastritis and reflux as well as positive H. pylorus .I have noticed improvement of my symptoms along with good bowel movements.I am going to continue this for a while.
Thanks to this products.

YoungHee Yoon

* * *

Been taking it[Resin Extract 10%] for about a week and a half and i have to say i feel amazing. I have been in a really really good mood and my stomach already is so much better.
Thanks for your help.

Mark Hawes, UK

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I am usually dragging around but the Siberian Pine Nut Oil has given me more energy and a general uplifting feeling. After one bottle I was hooked and am now on my 2nd. I also ordered the oil with 5% resin and the softening effect on my dry wrinkled hands has been amazing and in such a short time! Recently, I burned my hand on a kettle and the oil has diminished any signs of it where normally it would have left a scar. I adore these products!

Teresa, TX, USA

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Our Unique Production Technique:

The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:

A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.

Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.

Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:

We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.

Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.

Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.

Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.

Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.


Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.

The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).

Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.

Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.

Copyright: http://www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org/


Cedar Nut Recipe


1 T cedar nut oil
1 C quinoa, rinsed (unless the package says it does not need to be rinsed)
1 3/4 cup vegetable stock
1/2 tsp. Vege-Sal (or a slightly smaller amount of salt)
3/4 cup cedar nuts, toasted in a dry pan
1/2 cup sliced green onion
2 T finely chopped cilantro (or flat-leaf parsley)


Heat the oil in a heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid. Add quinoa and saute for 3-4 minutes, or until the quinoa starts to smell toasted. Add the vegetable stock, being careful if the stock sputters up from the hot pan. Add Vege-Sal or salt, stir and bring the mixture to a boil; then lower heat to a simmer and let the quinoa cook covered for 15 minutes (or until all the liquid is absorbed.)

While quinoa cooks, toast the cedar nuts in a dry frying pan over high heat, just until the nuts smell toasted. (This will only take 1-2 minutes if the heat is high; don't let the cedar nuts get too brown or they will taste bitter.)

When quinoa is done, let stand covered for 5 minutes. While quinoa stands, slice green onions and chop cilantro (or parsley.) After 5 minutes, fluff quinoa with a fork. Stir in toasted cedar nuts, sliced green onions, and chopped cilantro. Serve hot or warm.


1 1/4 cups dried couscous
1 1/4 cups boiling water or veggie stock
salt and pepper
1/2 cup fresh pomegranate seeds
1/2 cup roughly chopped pistachios
1/4 cup cedar nuts
1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves, roughly chopped
1/3 cup thinly sliced red onion (optional) parsley leaves to garnish


4 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon cedar nut oil
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 garlic clove
salt and pepper
1/2 cup tightly packed parsley leaves

Add the couscous, salt and pepper and boiling water to a bowl and stir until combined.Cover and allow to sit for 5 minutes or so until all of the water has been absorbed. Fluff up the couscous with a fork.

Add the pomegranate seeds, pistachios, cedar nuts, parsley and red onion to the bowl with the couscous. Toss to combine. Set aside.

Add all dressing ingredients to a processor and pulse until combined.

Pour the dressing evenly into the bowl and carefully toss until combined.

Garnish with extra parsley leaves and serve immediately.


2 cups fresh buffalo milk ricotta, or fresh cow's milk whole milk ricotta
1/2 cup good-quality orange marmalade, warmed
1/2 cup orange blossom honey
3 tablespoons cedar nuts, toasted


Divide the cheese among 4 bowls. Top the cheese with a large dollop each of orange marmalade and honey. Sprinkle with the cedar nuts.

http://www.kalynskitchen.com/; http://www.veggieful.com/; http://www.foodnetwork.com/


For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/cedar_nuts_and_ringing_cedars_information.php



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Flakes of a cedar are obtained in the process of cedar nut oil cold pressing from cedar nut kernels.

Cedar nut flakes wonderfully enrich diet of a bodybuilder. The protein of cedar nut flakes excels the ideal protein as it contains more histidine, methionine, cysteine, and tryptophan amino acids, and has well balanced chemical composition. The carbohydrate structure of a cedar nut kernel is presented by polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, pentosans and dextrins) and water-soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and raffinose). According to results of medical researches the similar protein promotes dissolution of harmful cholesterol in blood and helps preventing cancer cell growth.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed the Ringing Cedar of Russia Series. This is a series of books that I have read from beginning to end. The information shared by the authour really shifts your thinking about living in harmony with nature and with the world. Thank you for sharing this message with the world!

Eleanor Ng, Vanada

* * *

I have the full book series and am reading #5. Thank you to Vladimir and the rest of you.

Rita Burns, Olalla, USA

* * *

About a year ago, my mother introduced The Ringing Cedar series to my sister and I. These books just MAKE Sense. I can feel it. My sister is 12 years old, and she could not put the books down. She spreads her messages to her school mates, and lives a life of love and caring. My mother also has been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember, and over the past few years has gone raw food. After reading the books, my sister and I have also made changes to our diets and I have never felt better. Me and my mother at her marriage ceremony (she is 50!)

Jose Luis DeLeon


We bought Pine nut oil for our little daughter to boost up her immune system.
She loves it, so do we. I highly recommend it to my friends and other people. I grew up in Siberia and know how beneficial these products are! I'm glad we found the way to buy it here! Thank you so much!

Oksana Falbo, OR, USA

* * *

I gave my 30 year old son a bottle of pine nut oil a few weeks ago and instructed him how to use it to enhance his overall health (mainly by taking a little off a spoon or drizzling it over bread). He came down with a terrible sinus infection which made one side of his face swell terribly. I treated it with antibiotics and the swelling and pain went away but only for about a week (I am a nurse practitioner).

He then called me again to say that his teeth were hurting. He agreed to call me the next day after work to let me know how he was doing. He called the next day to say he had such very bad pain in his face the night before that it hurt when he went to bed until about 1:30 a.m. He had to get up and think what to do about it. He stated he went downstairs and decided to rub some pine nut oil onto his gums and face where the sinus infection and pain were hurting him. What he stated next was amazing. He stated that his pain went away IMMEDIATELY after rubbing the pine nut oil onto his face and gums. He also took some orally off a teaspoon.

I agree with Anastasia and believe the pine nut oil definitely has healing properties!

Carolyn R. W., USA

* * *

The 20% Resin Pine Oil imparts a lovely glow to my face, leaves it feeling moisturized but not greasy, all day. I have never used an oil on my face but this is no ordinary oil. Perfect for the arid desert climate in which I reside. It is great to have a simple pure beauty routine without jars of pricey empty promises. I highly recommend the 20% Resin Pine Oil topically - it will forever be my anti-aging beauty secret!

Lora, NV, USA


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Thank you for the work you do, I would like to help spread the message that Anastasia has given us in the Ringing Cedars of Russia books... Love and light

Kate Taylor

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I just received my products. Just wanted to say "thanks" and that I'm thrilled with your service. Good job guys!!!

John Bennett, USA

* * *

We just wanted to let you know that we are very impressed with the high degree of service that you and your team have given us.

Ben Johnson, UK

For more reviews please click here.

www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org contact information.

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sales - can@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
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Tel/Fax: +1 - 416 - 994 - 6495

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Maybach Str.16

Customer service and orders
Tel: +44 - (0)800 - 027 - 0874
sales - eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
customerservice - eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org

1Customer service in ENGLAND
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Fax: 0800 - 027 - 0874
sales - uk@ringingcedarsofrussia.org
customerservice - uk@ringingcedarsofrussia.org

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