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Incredible Benefits of Cedar Nut Oil Plus The Effect of Sea Buckthorn Oil!

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn Oil.

Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.

One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Seabuckthorn Oil. Wild harvested, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn berry is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.

Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian Cedar nut oil. Wild harvested Cedar nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian Cedar nut oil.

Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Sea Buckthorn Oil extract under Siberian Cedar Nut Oil brand name.

Sea Buckthorn Berry

The sea-buckthorns (Hippophae L.) are deciduous shrubs in the genus Hippophae, family Elaeagnaceae. The name sea-buckthorn is hyphenated here to avoid confusion with the buckthorns (Rhamnus, family Rhamnaceae). It is also referred to as "sea buckthorn", seabuckthorn, sandthorn or seaberry.

Description and distribution

There are 6 species and 12 subspecies native over a wide area of Europe and Asia, including China, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. More than 90 percent or about 1.5 million hectares of the world's sea buckthorn resources can be found in China where the plant is exploited for soil and water conservation purposes. The shrubs reach 0.5-6 m tall, rarely up to 10 m in central Asia, and typically occur in dry, sandy areas. They are tolerant of salt in the air and soil, but demand full sunlight for good growth and do not tolerate shady conditions near larger trees.

The common sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is by far the most widespread, with a range extending from the Atlantic coasts of Europe right across to northwestern China. In western Europe, it is largely confined to sea coasts where salt spray off the sea prevents other larger plants from out-competing it, but in central Asia it is more widespread in dry semi-desert sites where other plants cannot survive the dry conditions; in central Europe and Asia it also occurs as a subalcedar shrub above tree line in mountains, and other sunny areas such as river banks.

Common sea-buckthorn has branches that are dense and stiff, and very thorny. The leaves are a distinct pale silvery-green, lanceolate, 3-8 cm long and less than 7 mm broad. It is dioecious, with separate male and female plants. The male produces brownish flowers which produce wind-distributed pollen.

Berries and leaves

The female plants produce orange berries 6-9 mm in diameter, soft, juicy and rich in oils. The berries are an important winter food resource for some birds, notably fieldfares.

Leaves are eaten by the larva of the coastal race of the ash pug moth and by larvae of other Lepidoptera including brown-tail, dun-bar, emperor moth, mottled umber and Coleophora elaeagnisella.

Hippophae salicifolia (willow-leaved sea-buckthorn) is restricted to the Himalaya, to the south of the common sea-buckthorn, growing at high altitudes in dry valleys; it differs from H. rhamnoides in broader (to 10 mm broad), greener (less silvery) leaves, and yellow berries. A wild variant occurs in the same area, but at even higher altitudes in the alcedar zone. It is a low shrub not growing taller than 1 m with small leaves 1-3 cm long.

Harvesting and landscaping

Harvesting is difficult due to the dense thorn arrangement among the berries on each branch. A common harvesting technique is to remove an entire branch, though this is destructive to the shrub and reduces future harvests. A branch removed in this way is next frozen, allowing the berries to be easily shaken off. The branches are cut, deep frozen to −32°C, then shaken or abraded for removal of the berries.

The worker then crushes the berries to remove up to 95% of the leaves and other debris. This causes the berries to melt slightly from the surface as the work takes place at ambient temperature (about 20°C). Berries or the crushed pulp are later frozen for storage.

The most effective way to harvest berries and not damage branches is by using a berry-shaker. Mechanical harvesting leaves up to 50% in the field and the berries can be harvested only once in two years. They only get about 25% of the yield that could be harvested with this relatively new machinery.

During the Cold War, Russian and East German horticulturists developed new varieties with greater nutritional value, larger berries, different ripening months and a branch that is easier to harvest. Over the past 20 years, experimental crops have been grown in the United States, one in Nevada and one in Arizona, and in several provinces of Canada.

Sea-buckthorn is also a popular garden and landscaping shrub, particularly making a good vandal-proof barrier hedge with an aggressive basal shoot system exploited in some parts of the world as wind breaks and to stabilize riverbanks and steep slopes. They have value in northern climates for their landscape qualities, as the colorful berry clusters are retained through winter. Branches may be used by florists for designing ornaments. The plant is the regional flora of the Finnish region of Satakunta.

Nutrients and potential health effects

Sea-buckthorn berries are multipurposed, edible and nutritious, though very acidic and astringent, unpleasant to eat raw, unless 'bletted' (frosted to reduce the astringency) and/or mixed as a juice with sweeter substances such as apple or grape juice.

When the berries are pressed, the resulting sea-buckthorn oil separates into three layers: on top is a thick, orange cream; in the middle, a layer containing sea-buckthorn's characteristic high content of saturated and polyunsaturated fats; and the bottom layer is sediment and juice. Containing fat sources applicable for cosmetic purposes, the upper two layers can be processed for skin creams and liniments, whereas the bottom layer can be used for edible products like syrup.

Nutrient and phytochemical constituents of sea-buckthorn berries have potential value as antioxidants that may affect inflammatory disorders, cancer or other diseases.

The fruit of the plant has a high vitamin C content -- in a range of 114 to 1550 mg per 100 grams with an average content (695 mg per 100 grams) about 12 times greater than Oranges -- placing sea-buckthorn fruit among the most enriched plant sources of vitamin C. The fruit also contains dense contents of carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, sitosterol and polyphenolic acids.

Apart from being nourishing, the juice has a freezing point of −22 degrees Celsius allowing it to remain a liquid even in sub-zero temperatures.

Consumer products

This equipment and method of shelling Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of our Siberian Cedar Kernels and Siberian Cedar Nut Oil

Sea-buckthorn oil has been used as traditional therapy for diseases. As no applications discussed in this section have been verified by Western science and sufficient clinical trial evidence, such knowledge remains mostly unreferenced outside of Asia and is communicated mainly from person to person.

Grown widely throughout its native China and other mainland regions of Asia, sea-buckthorn is an herbal medicine used over centuries to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. In Mongolia, extracts of sea-buckthorn branches and leaves are used to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.

Bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea and gastrointestinal and dermatologic disorders. Topical compressions are used for rheumatoid arthritis. Flowers may be used as a skin softener.

For its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, berry fruits are added to medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders in Indian, Chinese and Tibetan medicines. Sea-buckthorn berry components have potential anticarcinogenic activity.

Fresh juice, syrup and berry or seed oils are used for colds, fever, exhaustion, as an analgesic or treatment for stomach ulcers, cancer, and metabolic disorders.

Called 'Chharma' in some native languages, oil from fruits and seeds is used for liver diseases, inflammation, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, including peptic ulcers and gastritis, eczema, canker sores and other ulcerative disorders of mucosal tissues, wounds, inflammation, burns, frostbite, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus erythematosus, and chronic dermatoses. In ophthalmology, berry extracts have been used for keratosis, trachoma, eyelid injuries and conjunctivitis. The sea-buckthorn oil is also known to kill tiny parasitic mites called Demodex.

Sea Buckthorn Oil

Due to its unique botanical and nutritional properties, and there being no reported evidence of sea-buckthorn oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects, the oil is also used as a natural agent that may benefit diseases of mucous membranes, including Aphthous ulcers, esophagitis, acid reflux, and peptic ulcers, as well as dermatological diseases and skin conditions.

In Russia and China, pulp oil may also be used topically to treat skin burns from radiation. Due to its ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, pulp oil is purported to reduce risk of radiation burns for Russian astronauts working in space.

Currently, cosmetic companies are adding sea-buckthorn oil to anti-aging preparations for skin rejuvenation and accelerated healing properties. It is also being used topically as a natural treatment for eczema, acne rosacea, acne and acne scars, and as a lotion for minimizing stretch marks.

Source: Wikipedia

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Cedar Products for the preservation of the harmony of health in adulthood

by Dr. Maria Kazakova
Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg

"Health depends much more on our eating habits than on the physician's art."
D. Leybok

ringing cedars. family health

Today it has long been proven that, in order to maintain the body's vitally important functions, it is essential that the full complement of all nutritional elements be supplied in their natural, organic form. This is exceptionally important in the period of age-related physiological change of the hormonal background in the body, and requires special measures to maintain a high level of internal reserves that provide for the stability of the interactions of the body's systems.

Only natural, genuine, "living" products that give us the vital energy of biologically active substances are capable of comprehensively maintaining the harmony of life.

From time immemorial, the oil of the Siberian cedar has been valued for its ability to increase endurance and strength, to preserve youth, and to maintain the reproductive functions.

The cedar nut oil produced by Siberian Pine Nut Oil company according to age-old, preservation technologies possesses unsurpassed health-promoting qualities that favourably regulate fat metabolism in the human body, and is effective for the preventive treatment of disorders involving fat metabolism, gall stones, and atherosclerosis.

Siberian Pine Nut Oil company has developed products for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases: Pine Power Cedar Nut Flakes.

Pine Power possesses a high energy and chemical potential, and contains a qualitatively and quantitatively unique vitamin-mineral complex in combination with valuable proteins, lipids, and carbohydrate components, whose balanced combination is the basis for their efficient assimilation by the body.

pine power - cedar nut flakes

With their antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing actions, Cedar Nut Flakes strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve the blood supply to the tissues, facilitate the normalization of fat metabolism, make the digestive organs healthier, and support the functions of the nervous system.

Pine Power contains natural compounds that have the ability to maintain the balance of human sex hormones, which is basic for the preservation of physical condition and the quality of health at this physiological age. Eating Pine Power will assist in reducing the signs of the menopausal syndrome in men and women: sleep disturbances, irritability, excessive perspiration, fluctuations in arterial pressure, bouts of tachycardia, and a decrease in the capacity for work.

Using the Pine Power natural protein-vitamin complex makes it possible to slow down the aging process, improve sexual function, and assist in prolonging youth and attractiveness.

In women over the age of 50, the incidence of ischemic heart disease increases in comparison to the previous period by 8 to 10 times, and is often complicated by myocardial infarct. The timely and regular use of Pine Power makes it possible to maintain the balance of sex hormones (estrogens) and lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease in this age group.

A frequent pathology of this age is osteoporosis. This means that your bones undergo a reduction in the content of calcium, which is essential for maintaining the strength of the bone tissue. Normal calcium metabolism in the body is possible in the presence of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D, E, and a sufficient level of estrogens.

Pine Power provides you with all these vitamins and trace elements in biological form, which makes it possible to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

The phytoestrogens found in Pine Power also have an antioxidant and antitumorigenic action, and strengthen the anti-sclerotic activity of all components of the product.

The regular consumption of Cedar Nut Flakes lowers the risk of the development of hormonally dependent tumour processes (mastopathy, cancer of the mammary gland, cancer of the prostate gland).

As part of a programme for the correction of disorders in the area of women's sexuality developed by the Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Lymphangiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Pine Power was awarded the Great Gold Medal at the MedCib-2003 International Exhibition.

The improvement of the quality of nutrition due to the regular inclusion of Pine Power in the diet makes it possible to create conditions to preserve health and maintain its harmony.

Used by permission.
Copyright CedarInfo.info

* * *

What People Say About This Product:

I am on an elimination diet to regain better health, having a damaged immune system and digestion. Since I cannot have any grains, the Pine Power Pine Nut Flakes have been a godsend for breakfast (you can eat only so many greens in a day!). I make them with hot water, letting steep while I drink my tea, and love the nutty taste in the morning. Thanks! Looking forward to trying the recipes.

Debor Austin, TX, USA

* * *

When I did my first order I was simply delighted to receive and try out these products and they did not disappoint! I could feel the effects of the Pine Nut Oil immediately. The experience was of an accelerated thought process, mind you I am very sensitive and this may have played a role in my experience. I also got the Pine Nut Power, simply delicious. My only regret is I went through them to quickly, so this time I'm ordering a lager amount.

Enjoy and Be Well,
LeeJames Coles, Australia

* * *

Excellent product [Pine Power], best of the best on the market. I have 12 boxses and want to eat them every day. Very nourishing, delicious and healthy product, balances body and mind.

Thank you, Elena

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Our Unique Production Technique:

The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:

A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.

Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.

Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:

We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.

Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.

Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.

Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.

Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.


Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.

The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).

Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.

Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.

Copyright: http://www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org/


pine nut recipe

This is a classic Sicilian side dish, prepared with leafy greens, toasted pine nuts and raisins.
2 medium zucchini or other summer squash, ends trimmed and sliced into paper-thin rounds
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
4 teaspoons high-quality cedar nut oil
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
3 tablespoons loosely packed fresh mint or chervil leaves, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons cedar nuts


Combine zucchini rounds and lemon zest in a medium bowl and toss to coat zucchini. Arrange zucchini on a platter, slightly overlapping the slices.

Drizzle with cedar nut oil and sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Sprinkle cedar nuts and feta cheese over zucchini and serve.


1 round loaf, white crusty bread
4 tbsp clear honey
6 oranges, peeled, sliced
1 plum, stone removed, sliced
pinch ground cinnamon
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 tbsp cedar nuts, toasted


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

Slice the loaf in half horizontally and place on a baking sheet.

Drizzle the bread with honey and lay the orange and plum slices over the top. Scatter with the cinnamon, icing sugar and cedar nuts and place in the oven to bake for 12 minutes.

To serve, cut into wedges.


1 tbsp butter
5 cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 red chilli, seeds removed, finely chopped
1 1/2 tbsp cedar nuts
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 bunch asparagus, blanched, to serve


Heat the butter in a pan and saute the tomatoes and chilli for 2-3 minutes.

Add the cedar nuts and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

To serve, place the asparagus onto a plate and pour over the tomato sauce.

http://www.chow.com/; http://www.bbc.co.uk/


For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

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Limited Time Offer: Buy 3 Sea Buckthorn Oil bottles and get one FREE!

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Buy 3 bottles of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Sea Buckthorn berry at regular price and receive additional one FREE!

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Limited Time Offer: Buy Sea Buckthorn Oil with 20% off Regular Price!

Purchase Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Sea Buckthorn Berry NOW ang get 20% off Regular Price!

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Preorder Fresh Siberian Pine Nut Oil 250ml!

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Preorder Fresh Siberian Pine Nut Oil 250ml!
Arrival is at the end of March!

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SPECIAL OFFER: Buy Cedar Cone essential oil with 30% off Regular Price!

ringing cedars. cedar cone essential oil

Buy NOW Cedar Cone essential oil 50ml in beautiful souvenir cone bottle and save 30% from the regualr price!

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Wonderfully written, magical , captivating, life teaching, eyes opening story. A must read for everyone. I am now rereading the whole series, and I love it!

Betsy Thomas, London, U.K.

* * *

A fresh look at the world that surrounds us. This series offers a glimpse into the universal and self-discovery. Very inspirational.

Peter Grooms, Berlin, Germany

* * *

Anastasia, thank you for teaching me how to communicate and understand the energy that surrounds me. I see the light in all things around me.

Elena Berklin, B.C., Canada


I am not the type who likes pine nuts, but these flakes are delicious! These have a soft taste and are great in smoothies. Gives a wonderful consistency to them! I decided to try them since I am vegetarian and need variety with my proteins. Great option.

Pat Garcia, Montreal, Canada

* * *

Thank you - I can't wait to share your company's products with my friends and will be giving samples out from my present order to them - already my friends have noticed how from eating the Pine power flakes that my hair has gotten thicker and more lustrous - I will write you feedback indicating same and also with the current order I intend to demonstrate to my doctor that the oil with resin and essential oils will clear up my bronchitis - which he wants me to use steroidal puffers for....no way - not when I can use Siberian Pine Nut Oil with 10% resin. All this I will put in my feedback...Bless you all and thank you - I am so happy you are so close to me in Canada - almost down the street ; ))

Jessica Wheeler, Canada

* * *

I suffered from periodontosis for a long time. I was being treated by a dentist. They used electromassage, ointments, rinses. The treatment proceeded slowly. My teeth were exposed, my gums were inflamed. The dentist advised me to used sea buckthorn oil. I'll describe the method of treatment; perhaps it will be useful for someone. Initially I rinse my mouth, brush my teeth, then rinse my mouth with an extract of oak bark. After this, I make a type of wick from cotton, moisten it with sea buckthorn oil, and place it on my gums. I keep it there as long as possible, until no oil remains on the wick. At the same time, I use it to moisten my throat. The improvement was immediately noticeable: previously my throat would burn, but my throat has stopped hurting, and my gums have returned to normal.

G. V. Nechaeva, Pskov, Russia


Excellent quality of products... I enjoy talking to a live person every time I call; they create such warm atmosphere over the phone.

I'm in Australia, my order shipped from USA and I got it within 10 days. WOW! I have ordered from other USA companies and it was never that fast!

Karen Campbell, Melbourne, Australia

* * *

I love your service! Very quick delivery, sweet customer service agents, and wonderful packaging.

Paige Rosenstein, FL, USA

* * *

Very satisfied with your products and service. Will order again as our needs for natural products arise. Thank You for all your helps and support.

Felix Vergel, Harlow, U.K.

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